CCR2012048-Tess Corners Pathway AMENDED COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEGO RESOLUTION #048-2012 RESOLUTION REGARDING THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE TESS CORNERS DRIVE PATHWAY FROM JANESVILLE ROAD TO WOODS ROAD WHEREAS, On June 8, 2009 the Parks and Recreation Board recommended consideration of construction of pedestrian and bicycle facilities along Tess Corners Drive from Janesville Road to Woods Road ; and WHEREAS, On November 23, 2010 the Committee of the Whole approved the inclusion of this segment of pathway as part of the future trail plan; and WHEREAS, The Common Council approved an Agreement with Foth Infrastructure & Environment, LLC on September 27, 2011 for engineering design services for the reconstruction of Tess Corners Drive which included the addition of five foot wide paved shoulders; and WHEREAS, On November 21, 2011 the Public Works Committee moved to alter the roadways design to have an off-road trail constructed instead of the wide shoulders because of reduced cost to the taxpayers and increased user safety; and WHEREAS, On December 14, 2011 a Public Information Meeting was held in which a detailed exhibit was displayed which depicted the off-road pathway; and WHEREAS, On January 30, 2012 the Public Works Committee moved to continue forward with the current off-road pathway design while minimizing tree loss where possible; and WHEREAS, On March 29, 2012 the City received a petition requesting that the City reconsider the planned path; and WHEREAS, The installation of a six foot wide shared-use pathway in conjunction with the reconstruction of Tess Corners Drive would increase the safety to the traveling public; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED That the Common Council of the City of Muskego hereby authorizes the installation of a six foot wide shared-use pathway as outlined in this resolution in conjunction with the reconstruction of Tess Corners Drive. DATED THIS 8th DAY OF MAY , 2012. Reso. #048-2012 SPONSORED BY: COMMON COUNCIL Deferred: 04/24/2012 This is to certify that this is a true and accurate copy of Resolution #048-2012 which was adopted by the Common Council of the City of Muskego. _________________________ Clerk-Treasurer 4/12