CCR2012024-Delay Action DEFEATED AT COMMON COUNCIL -- 03/13/2012 COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEGO RESOLUTION #024 -2012 RESOLUTION TO DELAY ACTION APPROVED IN RESOLUTION #003-2012 AND CREATE AN AD HOC COMMITTEE DIRECTLY ACCOUNTABLE TO THE COMMON COUNCIL TO ASSESS THE NEED, VIABILITY, ALTERNATIVES FOR AN ADDITIONAL CITY PARK, AND, FOR EACH ALTERNATIVE, PRESENT A PARK PLAN WITH DETAILED ACQUISITION, DEVELOPMENT & MAINTENANCE COSTS WHEREAS, On January 24, 2012, the Common Council adopted Resolution #003-2012 entitled “Offer to Purchase - Lake Properties”; and WHEREAS, Since adoption of the resolution circumstances have changed, a petition for direct legislation, has been received demonstrating significant public interest for additional information regarding the proposed purchase and park development; and RECOGNIZING The addition of another City-owned park will have an impact far beyond the immediate boundaries of the new park as both an additional resource for and as an expense to Muskego Residents; and WHEREAS, Due to these circumstances, continued action regarding Resolution #003-2012 should be delayed allowing public involvement in the determination of the need for, the location of, the nature of and costs associated with the potential acquisition of an additional City park. NOW BE IT RESOLVED that the Common Council authorizes the creation of an Ad Hoc Park Acquisition Committee to involve the public in determining 1. If there is a need for an additional city park as detailed in the 2020 Comprehensive Plan (Plan 5, 5a and 5b) for a potential “view shed” of Little Muskego Lake and, if so, where the new park should be located, how it should be configured and what the new park would cost to buy, build and operate, and 2. If there are viable alternative lake park locations, provide configuration, cost to buy, build and operate each alternative lake park for purposes of comparison, and 3. Identification of the costs associated with completion of in-process parks and trails, including the city-owned trials and improvements associated with the Janesville Road/Pioneer Drive improvement projects, completion of Park Arthur and the Borst Parks and planned or pending segments of the City trail system, and 4. Identification of improvements needed to existing City park resources, including the costs associated with said improvements, and 5. Assuming completion of park resource development, identification of the overall annual costs to operate each resource within the City park system, including existing parks, trails and pedestrian walkways, lake access lots, etc., and 6. Identification of the sources of funds available to operate the existing and proposed park resources. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED The Ad Hoc Committee will incorporate taxpayer input obtained through public informational and stakeholder meetings, meetings with various standing City Committees and formal public hearings to accomplish the committee’s assignment. The Ad Hoc Park Acquisition Committee will present the results of its analysis to the Common Council prior to the Common Council’s September 25, 2012 meeting date. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Common Council of the City of Muskego does hereby direct the Mayor to notify the sellers of the properties currently under consideration that all actions regarding Resolution #003-2012 are suspended until September 30, 2012, unless extended or modified by further action of the Common Council. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Common Council authorizes expenditure of up to $40,000, allocated from the Capital Borrowing Fund, financed from a Landfill Fund transfer, for consulting and other related costs of assessing the current inventory of parks in the City of Muskego, determining if an additional park on Little Muskego Lake is appropriate, how another lake park would impact the overall needs-satisfaction of Muskego park users. If the Ad Hoc Park Acquisition Committee deems a lake park appropriate, its report to the Common Council must include exploring various alternative park locations on Little Muskego Lake The final component of the task assigned to the Ad Hoc Park Acquisition Committee is to determine the costs to complete all pending park and trail developments, the costs to acquire and develop a lake park at various alternative locations, and the costs to maintain and operate each individual existing and proposed City park resource. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the money allocated authorizes city staff, under the direction of the Ad Hoc Park Acquisition Committee, to circulate and approve a Request for Proposal for a consultant to assist the Ad Hoc committee in its analysis and development of recommendations for presentation to the Common Council as outlined above. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Ad Hoc Park Acquisition Committee must present an interim report to the Common Council by August 1, 2012 and specifically advise the Common Council if the Ad Hoc Park Acquisition Committee anticipates it may an extension of time to complete its assigned task. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Ad Hoc Park Acquisition Committee will have at its disposal, input from the Parks and Recreation Board, the Muskego Community Development Authority, the Finance Committee, the Planning Commission and all appropriate City support staff. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Ad Hoc Park Acquisition Committee will consist of individuals selected and approved by the Common Council to represent:  Bay Breeze Condominium Association  Muskego Proud  Muskego for Ethical Government  Muskego Athletic Association  Muskego Little League  Muskego Kickers (Soccer League)  Little Muskego Lake District  Little Muskego Lake Association  Muskego Chamber/Business Representative  Property Owners with properties sharing lot lines on both Janesville Road and Little Muskego Lake  Park and Recreation Board  Citizen At Large  Along with such other representatives as the Common Council may determine BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that, unless it has been granted an extension to complete this task, the Ad Hoc Park Acquisition Committee shall provide its recommendation(s) to the Common Council regarding both existing and proposed City park resources, proposed site plan(s), park development cost estimates, and future maintenance cost estimates, prior to the Common Council’s September 25, 2012 meeting date (a date that coincides with the 2013 budget process), and upon receiving such recommendation the Common Council will convene to approve or deny moving forward with the land purchase approvals from Resolution #003-2012. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that it is not the intention of the City of Muskego to utilize actual condemnation for the purchase of the properties, as described in the Resolution of Necessity #142-2011. Therefore the Common Council hereby recinds “Resolution of Necessity # 142- 2011” in its entirety. DATED THIS __ ____ day of ________________, 2012. SPONSORED BY: Alderman District # 2 Kert Harenda DEFEATED: 03/13/2012 This is to certify that this is a true and accurate copy of Resolution #024-2012 which was adopted by the Common Council of the City of Muskego. ______________________________ Clerk-Treasurer