CCR2012019-Reso for Lake Park COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEGO RESOLUTION # 019-2012 RESOLUTION TO DELAY ACTION APPROVED IN RESOLUTION #003-2012 AND DIRECTION TO THE PARKS & RECREATION BOARD TO DEVELOP A PARK PLAN WITH DEVELOPMENT & MAINTENANCE COSTS WHEREAS, On January 24, 2012, the Common Council adopted Resolution #003-2012 entitled “Offer to Purchase - Lake Properties”; and WHEREAS, Since adoption of the resolution circumstances have changed, a petition for direct legislation, although not a proper subject matter for direct legislation, has been received, and there is, as well, public interest for additional information regarding the proposed purchase and park development; and WHEREAS, Due to these circumstances, continued action regarding Resolution #003- 2012 should be delayed allowing the Parks and Recreation Board to involve the public in creating a development plan with associated costs through public informational and stakeholder meetings, and ultimately a recommendation to the Common Council. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Common Council of the City of Muskego does hereby direct the Mayor not to act pursuant to the authorization set forth in Resolution #003-2012 until September 30, 2012, and the May 31, 2012 deadline described therein is hereby extended to September 30, 2012, unless extended or modified by further action of the Common Council. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Common Council authorizes expenditure of up to $40,000, allocated from the Capital Borrowing Fund, financed from a Landfill Fund transfer, for consulting and other related costs for a park development plan and associated costs. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the money allocated authorizes city staff to circulate and approve a Request for Proposal for a consultant to bring forward park site plan alternatives, park development cost estimates, and cost estimates for future park maintenance. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that it will be the Parks and Recreation Board’s responsibility to work with the consultant in the park development plan process and ultimately provide a recommendation to the Common Council on a proposed site plan, park development cost estimates, and future maintenance cost estimates. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that it will be the Parks and Recreation Board’s responsibility to allow the public to be involved during the planning process by including public information meetings where public opinion is heard on the park development plan proposals, and also by holding one or more stakeholder meeting(s), with notice being provided to the following groups/organizations, and each being given an opportunity to provide a representative:  Bay Breeze Condominium Association  Muskego Proud  Muskego for Ethical Government  Muskego Historical Society  Little Muskego Lake District or Little Muskego Lake Association  Muskego Chamber/Business Representative  Adjacent Property Owners  Citizen At Large  Along with such other representatives as the Park and Recreation Board may determine BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Parks and Recreation Board shall provide its recommendation to the Common Council on a proposed site plan, park development cost estimates, and future maintenance cost estimates, prior to the Common Council’s September 25, 2012 meeting date (a date that coincides with the 2013 budget process), and upon receiving such recommendation the Common Council will convene to approve or deny moving forward with the land purchase approvals from Resolution #003-2012. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that it is not the intention of the City of Muskego to utilize actual condemnation for the purchase of the properties, as described in the Resolution of Necessity #142-2011, and if it becomes apparent that a willing seller/willing buyer purchase agreement cannot be made between the parties, this matter shall be referred back to Council for further consideration. TH DATED THIS 13 DAY OF MARCH , 2012. SPONSORED BY: Alderperson Tracy Snead This is to certify that this is a true and accurate copy of Resolution # 019-2012 which was adopted by the Common Council of the City of Muskego. ______________________________ Clerk-Treasurer