2020 Code ChangesMunicipal Code Amendments – 2020
Public Hearing/Common Council 1st Reading - February 25, 2020
Plan Commission Review & Recommendation - March 3, 2020
Common Council 2nd Reading & Possible Vote – March 10, 2020
Chapter 400 - Zoning
Barns as Event/Wedding Venues
Addition of “Adaptive reuse of existing barns for an event/wedding venue” as a Permitted
use by conditional use grant in the RCE District - Section 400-42C.(3)(s)
(s) Adaptive reuse of existing barns for an event/wedding venue as per § 400-159J. of this
Addition of the specific regulations relating to the “Adaptive reuse of existing barns for an
event/wedding venue” - Section 400-159J.
J. Adaptive reuse of existing barns for an event/wedding venue.
(1) Definition. “Adaptive reuse of existing barns for an event/wedding venue ” means any
barns erected before January 1, 2020 to be reused as an event/wedding venue.
(2) Purpose. The following regulations are created to allow for an adaptive reuse of existing
barns ensuring that applicable ordinances are followed; to protect against adverse
impacts of noise, odor, disturbance, visual impacts or other nuisances that this practice
could have upon neighboring properties and to control the impacts of such operations on
municipal services, including snowplowing, garbage collection, sanitation, law
enforcement and fire protection.
(3) Conditional use grant required. No commercial event/wedding may occur in the a barn
unless an adaptive reuse of existing barns for an event/wedding venue conditional use
grant for such operation is granted by the City, and only in full compliance with such
conditional use permit. The general provisions as to conditional uses described in Article
XIV of this chapter apply to adaptive reuse of existing barn s for an event/wedding venue
conditional uses.
(3) Conditions to be met for grant of permit. A conditional use permit shall not be granted for
the adaptive reuse of existing barns for an event/wedding venue unless all of the
following conditions are met:
[1] The minimum parcel size shall be five (5) acres.
[2] A two hundred (200) foot separation between any event related building or
amenity/feature and any structures on adjacent lots shall be provided on all sides of
the property not abutting a public roadway. Special event/commercial business
related structures, activities and/or features are not permitted within a fifty (50) foot
buffer area, nor is parking allowed in this buffer area. The Plan Commission can
consider reducing the required buffer, as it relates to parking only, from any right-of-
way if dense landscape screening is provided. If an existing barn is located closer
than the fifty (50) foot buffer, then the Plan Commission can consider reducing the
required buffer to not less than the existing b arn offset. Where possible, agricultural
crops shall remain or be grown in the buffer area, or suitable landscaping, to maintain
the rural/agricultural character of the site.
[3] Buffer plantings shall be provided along a property line where there is an abutting
residence, including across roadways, to screen views, lights and noise from the
[4] Parcels shall have direct unobstructed frontage along a paved public road for direct
[5] The surface of the parking areas and driveways are preferred to be asphalt, but the
Plan Commission can consider gravel parking areas on a case-by-case basis if the
parking is far enough from adjacent lots and homes and if the parking lot can be
maintained in a dustless condition. The number of parking stalls required should be
one (1) stall for every two (2) people of building capacity with the final quantity being
approved by the Plan Commission.
[6] Any amplified music should occur only in the main barn structure and all door and
windows must remain closed when the amplified music is playing. Special conditions
can be considered for unique situations, subject to Plan Commission review.
[7] The barn must be structurally sound and must meet all applicable Building Codes
and Fire Codes.
[8] Applicants for a conditional use grant under this Subsection shall provide the
following information at the time of application:
[a] Ownership of the property
[b] Months/duration of operation
[c] The anticipated number of events per year
[d] Proposed hours/days of operation
[e] Primary types of events to be hosted and a description of their ancillary activities
(e.g. hayrides, petting farms, bonfires, etc.)
[f] Size of the barn facility and guest capacity, including a floor plan of the barn and
auxiliary structures (including any tents or other temporary structures)
[g] A site plan/survey for the entire parcel, including ingress/egress, parking areas,
all facility structures/tents, restroom locations, and any other site based features
[h] Provision of restroom facilities, including screening method (must be provided)
[i] Location of refuse receptacles, screening and method of disposal
[j] Proposed signage and lighting plan
[k] Proposed use and location of amplified music
[l] Any additional information required by the Plan Commission to ensure the safe
operations of the event / wedding venue.
Amend permitted use by conditional use grant in the B-1 District to exclude the “Adaptive
reuse of existing barns for an event/wedding venue”- Section 400-62C.(3)(a)
Any conditional use permitted in the RCE District except second residential structures and except
the adaptive reuse of existing barns for an event/wedding venue .
Addition of the definition of “ADAPTIVE REUSE” - Section 400-216
The reuse of a site/building for a purpose other than originally intended.
Addition of the allowance of scoreboards under the signage provisions - Section 400-181J.
J. Scoreboards. Upon approval by the Plan Commission, a scoreboard is allowed in the I-1
Government and Institutional District, PI-1 Parks and Recreation District or at an approved
outdoor recreational facility, as designated in Article XX, subject to the requirements of §400-
21. Scoreboards are exempt from the reader board sign size limits of §400-180F.(2). The
size, height and location of a scoreboard is subject to Plan Commission approval. The Plan
Commission will give special consideration to screening from right-of-way and neighboring
residential uses; motion, videos and flashing; and audio/noise emanating from the
scoreboard or system mounted to the scoreboard. The Plan Commission can also consider
sponsorship advertising on the face of the scoreboard, the rear of the scoreboard or the
scoreboard structure itself if there is a defined plan outlining the sizes, quantity and design.
Goats/Sheep and other Livestock
Amend the RCE district’s reference to goats and horses to reflect the other code changes
relating to goats and horses - 400-42C.(1)(c)
(c) Crop, dairy, cattle, horse, goat/sheep and tree farming subject to the following:
Amend the RCE district’s reference to goats to reflect the other code changes relating to
goats - 400-42C.(1)(c)[1]
[1] The keeping or raising of hogs, or fur bearing animals or goats shall not be permitted.
Amend the RCE district’s reference to goats to reflect the square footage requirement for
each allowed animal, rather than the per acre reference - 400-42C.(1)(c)[2]
The keeping or raising of poultry and domestic livestock, ex cept for hogs and fur bearing animals,
the raising of which is absolutely prohibited in this district, shall be permitted as part of a principal
agricultural use of the premises on farms of at least 10 acres in area on the basis of not more
than one head of livestock per acre 40,000 square feet of land, nor more than 50 fowl per acre
40,000 square feet of land.
Amend how the number of allowed livestock/fowl is regulated - 400-42C.(2)(f)[3]
[3] Not more than one head of livestock and or 20 fowl shall be permitted per 40,000 square feet
of lot area, nor shall any such livestock or fowl be permitted on a lot less than 120,000 square
feet in area unless the requirements are met for chickens per Subsection C(2)(f)[2] above.
See Subsection C(2)(f)[4) for further details on how to calculate the number or livestock and
fowl allowed.
Addition of clarification on how to determine the number of livestock and fowl allowed on
a property - 400-42C.(2)(f)[4]
[4] Determining the maximum number of livestock and fowl. The calculation of the maximum
number of livestock and fowl allowed applies to all subsections in § 400-42C.(2)(f). Different
animal types may be combined, but the total calculated number of animals may not exceed
the maximum per-acre density identified in § 400-42C.(2)(f)[3]. For example, a three-acre lot
will allow for three head of livestock or 60 fowl; or a three acre lot can have one horse, one
sheep and 20 head of fowl, or equivalent numbers not to exceed the maximum allowed.
[1] Contiguous land under the same ownership. The total acreage of parcels of land that are
contiguous to each other, under that same ownership and have the appropriate zoning
category may be used when calculating the maximum number of animals allowed. The
minimum lot size for the keeping and raising of animals shall be met prior to additional
animals being allowed for additional contiguous lands.
[2] Contiguous land that is leased. If contiguous land is being leased for agricultural
purposes, the leased land area can be used when calculating the maximum number of
animals allowed. Once the land is no longer being leased, the maximum number of
animals allowed shall be adjusted. A written lease agreement, signed by all property
owners, shall be required. The minimum lot size for the keeping and raising of animals
shall be met prior to additional animals being allowed for additional contiguous lands. The
leased land shall be used exclusively by the lessee.
[3] When determining the maximum number of animals allowed o n contiguous lands, the
land area can only be used once or by one property owner. Double counting is not
Addition of storage requirements for bedding, feed and manure as it relates to livestock on
residentially zoned properties - 400-42C.(2)(f)[3][a]
[a] Storage requirements.
(i) All bedding materials must be stored indoors.
(ii) Any outdoor piles of feed and bedding shall be located at least 100 feet from any public
right-of-way or adjacent residential lot line.
(iii) Manure shall be stored no less than 100 feet from any public right-of-way or adjacent
residential lot line.
Amend the A-1 district’s reference to goats to reflect the other code changes relating to
goats - 400-76C.(1)(b)[1]
[1] Farms primarily for the keeping or raising of fur bearing animals, or hogs or goats shall not be
permitted except as conditional uses.
Amend the A-1 district’s reference to goats to reflect the other code changes relating to
goats - 400-76C.(3)(b)
(b) Hog, goat or fur farms.
Remove references to hobby farms as the regulations contradict other livestock
regulations - 400-166
Hobby kennels and hobby farms.
Remove the hobby farm regulation section as the regulations contradict other livestock
regulations - 400-166B.
B. Hobby farms.
(1) When permitted. Hobby farms as defined in this code shall be permitted as an accessory
use on any property having at least 120,000 square feet of land area and zoned for
residential use. Said hobby farm must be incidental to an existing principal residential use
and shall be subject to the provisions of this section.
(2) Building, site and operation plan required. All hobby farms proposed from and after the
adoption of this code are subject to building, site and operation plan approval by the Plan
Commission following written notice being distributed by the City to neighboring property
owners within 100 feet of the subject property.
(3) Permitted fowl and livestock. One head of livestock and 10 fowl shall be permitted per
40,000 square feet of land area, to a maximum of 30 head of livestock and 50 fowl.
(4) Prohibited fowl and livestock. Hogs and fur bearing animals other than rabbits are
(5) Permitted horses. Horses shall be permitted when a parcel has at least 2.75 acres of land
area. When the land is compliant, one horse is allowed for every 40,000 square feet of
land area.
(6) Storage requirements.
(a) On parcels of land less than 200,000 square feet in area, all bedding materials must
be stored indoors.
(b) On parcels of land 200,000 square feet in area or greater, any outdoor piles of feed
and bedding shall be located at least 100 feet from any public right -of-way or
adjacent residential lot line.
(c) Manure shall be stored no less than 100 feet from any public right-of-way or adjacent
nonresidential lot line.
Addition of the definition of “LIVESTOCK” - Section 400-216
Horses, cattle, sheep and goats kept or raised for domestic use, not including hogs/pigs or fur
bearing animals.
Remove the “FARM, HOBBY” definition since hobby farm references are being removed
from the zoning code - 400-216
An area of land devoted to agricultural activities which are accessory to the principal use of
the property, including growing of customary produce, including but not limited to vegetables,
fruits, and grains, and for the packaging and storage of produce grown on premises, as well
as for the raising thereon of the usual poultry and livestock such as horses and cattle, and not
including commercial feeding of garbage or offal to swine or other animals, the commercial
feeding of animals on open lots where no feed is raised on the premises, or the commercial
feeding of poultry or laboratory animals such as mice, rats, etc. Hobby far ms are subject to
limitations on the maximum head of poultry and livestock and separation requirements found
in § 400-166B of this code.
Remove the “STABLE, PRIVATE” definition since private stables are not referenced
anywhere in the zoning code text and since the hobby farms that definition reference are
being removed from the zoning code - 400-216
An accessory use and accessory structure constructed and operated under the auspices of a
hobby farm building, site and operation plan in which equines are kept primarily for breeding,
private boarding, training and/or giving lessons, but not for rent or hire to the public.
Other Miscellaneous Zoning Codes
Amend who reviews variances to the separation between the highest anticipate d seasonal
groundwater level from the Zoning Board of Appeals to the Public Works and Safety
Committee - Section 400-31B.(1)
(1) Adequate drainage required. No principal building shall be erected, structurally altered, or
relocated on land which is not adequately drained at all times nor which is subject to periodic
flooding, nor so that the lowest floor level is less than two feet above the highest anticipated
seasonal groundwater level. An occupancy permit and zoning permit shall not be issued for
any lot where the grading plan approved for that lot at the time of its platting has not been
accomplished. Any variances to this requirement can only be made by the Public Works and
Safetey Committee.
Amend the minimum parking stall size required from 10’ x 20’ to 9’ x 18’- Section 400-
(1) Parking stalls shall be a minimum size of 109 feet wide by 2018 feet in length when aligned
horizontally and 9.5 feet wide by 18 feet in length when aligned diagonally, unless the Plan
Commission decides that the use of the parking stalls does not warrant a need for this size.
Amend who can approve more than one principal residence on a lot - Section 400-29B.
B. Only one principal residence building on a lot. Except as specifically otherwise provided
herein for attached single-family dwellings, apartments/condos, farms, or planned
development projects, only one principal residence building shall be permitted on a lot;
provided, however, that the Zoning Board of Appeals Plan Commission may grant an
exception to permit more than one principal building on a lot where such grant would not be
contrary to the spirit or intent of this chapter or to the regulations applicable to the specific
district, and provided that a sufficient lot area is provided and the buildings so located as to
permit individual compliance, in the case of future division, with the lot size, density, building
location, and open space requirements of the district in which located.
Addition of a requirement that clarifies that any restrictions, regulations, etc. noted on a
recorded Subdivision Plat, Condominium Plat or Certified Survey Map must be followed -
E. All restrictions, conditions, and regulation notes placed on a recorded Subdivision Plat,
Condominium Plat or Certified Survey Map must be followed.
Addition of a restriction of non-shielded window lighting that is visible from the outside of
the window - Section 400-193G.
G. No lighting, whether located on the interior or exterior of a window, can be attached to the
window or window frame on a commercial or industrial property where the light source can be
directly seen from the outside. Also, these window lights cannot be flashing or moving.
Edit the “SIGN, GROUND” definition to remove the incorrect note about the size of the
landscape base area - Section 400-216
Remove the graphic for “SIGN, POLE” since it is out of date and incorrect - Section 400-
Remove text from graphic
Amend how the Aldermanic member of the Plan Commission is appointed to match state
statues - Section 400-17B.(2)(a)
(a) Aldermanic member. The Aldermanic member of the Plan Commission shall be elected
appointed annually at the Common Council reorganization meeting by a two-thirds vote of the
Common Council the Mayor and confirmed by a majority vote of the Common Council.
Amend how the Aldermanic member of the Plan Commission is filled in the case of a
vacancy to match state statues - Section 400-17B.(3)(a)
(a) Aldermanic member. The Alderperson member of the Plan Commission shall serve for one
year, unless the position becomes vacant, in which case the Common Council Mayor shall
elect appoint a new representative as outlined in Subsection B(2)(a) above.