§ 132-3 Applications.
\[Amended 9-20-2007 by Ord. No. 1263\]
Commented \[1\]: Editor's Note: Amended at time of
adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. II).
A written application for any license or permit required by the provisions of this chapter shall be on the
form(s) provided by the City Clerk-Treasurer.
A. Content. All applications other than operator's licenses shall contain all the information required under
§ 125.04(3), Wis. Stats., and any other information required by the City Clerk-Treasurer. Operator's
license applications shall be on a form prescribed by the State of Wisconsin Department of Revenue.
B. Filing. All applications for licenses and permits to sell alcohol beverages shall be filed with the Clerk-
Treasurer. Applications for operator's licenses and licenses issued under § 125.26(6), Wis. Stats., for a
picnic or other gathering lasting less than four days must be filed with the Clerk-Treasurer at least 24
hours prior to the proposed date for which the license is requested.
§ 132-4 Fees.
A. Licenses and permits may be issued by the Clerk-Treasurer under the authority of the Common Council
after payment of the appropriate fees, which when so issued shall permit the holder to sell, deal or traffic
in alcohol beverages as provided in Ch. 125, Wis. Stats.
B. Fees for the above-noted licenses and permits shall be in such amount as may be established by the
Common Council from time to time by separate resolution.
C. Any applicable publication fee and/or application fee and/or investigation fee shall be submitted with
the license or permit application as may be established by the Common Council from time to time by
separate resolution.
D. The fees for licenses or permits which are not granted shall be refunded after deducting the application
fee and all actual publication fees and investigation fees.
E. Fees for partial licensing years may be prorated at the discretion of the Common Council, except when
state law requires prorated fees. In all cases when in its discretion the Common Council issues an
alcohol beverage license for a partial year, a minimum fee of $25 and all actual publication fees and
investigation fees must be paid.
Commented \[2\]: Editor's Note: Amended at time of
adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. II).
F. Once any license or permit is issued, no return of any payment shall be made regardless of whether the
license or permit is used for the entire year.
§ 132-5 Investigation.
\[Amended 8-5-1993 by Ord. No. 807; 9-20-2007 by Ord. No. 1263\]
Upon receipt of a license application under the provisions of this chapter, the City Clerk-Treasurer shall
forward a copy of the application to the appropriate persons to conduct an investigation of the applicant(s) as
set forth below.
A. All alcohol beverage licenses. The Police Department, Fire Department, Health Department, and
Building Inspector and other persons authorized may conduct an investigation and inspection of the
premises mentioned in the application, to determine if the premises complies with all applicable
regulations, ordinances and laws. The Police Department shall perform a driver's history and criminal
record check for all persons included in the application, both new and renewal.
Commented \[3\]: Editor's Note: Amended at time of
adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. II).
B. Review. The Common Council may refer any and all licenses to the appropriate committee for review
and recommendation prior to action by the Common Council.
§ 132-6 Provisional retail license.
\[Added 12-7-1995 by Ord. No. 878\]
A. The City Clerk-Treasurer may issue a provisional retail license to any person who has applied for a
Class "A" retail fermented malt beverage license, a Class "B" retail fermented malt beverage license, a
"Class A" retail liquor license, or a "Class B" retail liquor license and whose license application has
been approved by the Common Council except for the failure of the applicant to have completed a
responsible beverage server course as required under § 125.04(5)(a)5, Wis. Stats. The provisional retail
license shall authorize only those activities authorized by the type of retail license applied for and shall
only be issued to an applicant who is in the course of completing a responsible beverage server course
as required under § 125.04(5)(a)5, Wis. Stats.
B. A provisional retail license shall expire 60 days after the issuance of the provisional retail license or
upon the issuance of the Class "A" retail fermented malt beverage license, Class "B" retail fermented
malt beverage license, "Class A" retail liquor license, or "Class B" retail liquor license to the holder,
whichever is sooner.
C. The City Clerk-Treasurer may revoke the provisional retail license if he or she discovers that the holder
of the license made a false statement on the application.
D. The fee for a provisional retail license shall be in such amount as may be established by the Common
Council from time to time by separate resolution.
E. No person may hold more than one provisional retail license for each type of license applied for by the
holder per year.
F. No person shall apply for or obtain a provisional retail license for purposes of circumventing the license
requirements of this chapter. A provisional retail license shall only be issued to a person who has
satisfied all provisions of this chapter and whose application for a regular retail malt beverage or liquor
license has been approved by the Common Council but who cannot obtain such license because of
failure to complete the responsible beverage server course as required under § 125.04(5)(a)5, Wis. Stats.
§ 132-7 Regular operator's license.
\[Amended 9-20-2007 by Ord. No. 1263\]
A. A. Authority to issue regular operator's licenses. Regular operator's licenses may be granted by
the Common Council to individuals upon recommendation from the Finance Committee for the
purposes of complying with §§ 125.32(2) and 125.68(2), Wis. Stats., and this chapter.
Pursuant to §125.17(1), Wis. Stats., the City Clerk-Treasurer or designee may issue an Operator’s
License for any applicant who is qualified under Section 125.04(5), Wis. Stats.,
B. Qualifications. Any individual applying for an operator's license must meet the following qualifications:
Formatted: Numbered + Level: 1 + Numbering Style:
A, B, C, … + Start at: 1 + Alignment: Left + Aligned at:
0.25" + Indent at: 0.58"
Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.58", First line: 0"
(1) The individual must be 18 years of age by the time of issuance.
(2) The individual must have successfully completed a responsible beverage server training course
approved by the Wisconsin Department of Revenue. Individuals are exempted from the training course
requirements if they are renewing an existing operator's license, have successfully completed the
responsible beverage server training course within the last two years, or have held a retail license or
manager's or operator's license anywhere in Wisconsin within the last two years \[§ 125.17(6), Wis.
(3) Complete an application provided by the City Clerk-Treasurer and pay the proper fee.
(4) The individual must not habitually have been a law offender or convicted of a felony unless the person
has been duly pardoned, subject to requirements of Wisconsin Fair Employment Law, Ch. 111 (more
specifically, §§ 111.321, 111.322 and 111.335), Wis. Stats., and also § 125.04(5), Wis. Stats.
Commented \[4\]: Editor's Note: Amended at time of
adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. II).
C. Investigation.
(1) The Chief of Police or his/her designee shall conduct a records search of all applicants, new or renewal.
The Finance Committee shall not formulate any recommendation until the records search is completed
and returned to the City Clerk-Treasurer.
(2) The Chief of Police or his/her designee shall furnish the results of the driver's history and criminal
records check to the Finance Committee City Clerk-Treasurer.
Commented \[5\]: Editor's Note: Amended at time of
adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. II).
(3) Any incomplete, misleading or falsified statement in an application, if the incomplete, misleading or
falsified statement pertains to either the identification of the applicant or to any matter occurring within
five years prior to the date of application, may be grounds for denial.
D. Granting of regular operator's licenses.
(1) The City Clerk-Treasurer will submit a list of regular operator's licenses for consideration at each
regular Finance Committee meeting for recommendation to the Common Council.
(24) If the investigation report includes any matters listed in Subsection C or if the City Clerk-Treasurer
deems that an appearance by the applicant before the Finance Committee is warranted, the applicant
shall be notified in writing that he/she has the right to appear in person before the Finance Committee.
or respond in writing to the Finance Committee when the Finance Committee considers the application.
The notification shall include the date and time of the Finance Committee meeting when the application
will be considered. The Finance Committee shall, after meeting with the applicant or reviewing the
written response from the applicant, make a recommendation to the Common Council. A
recommendation to deny a regular operator's license shall include a statement as to the reason(s) for the
(3) The Finance Committee will may decide if a three-, six-, nine- and/or twelve-month review is warranted
for applicants. in violation of Subsection C(2) or (3).
E. Revocation or suspension of license. Revocation or suspension of regular operator's licenses granted
pursuant to this chapter shall be governed as follows:
(1) The Finance Committee may recommend revocation or suspension of any existing regular operator's
license to the Common Council following the procedure as set forth in § 125.12, Wis. Stats.
(2) Automatic revocation. Any regular operator's license issued under this chapter may be revoked without
further proceedings upon the conviction of the license holder, pursuant to § 125.11(2), Wis. Stats.
§ 132-8 Provisional operator's license.
\[Added 9-20-2007 by Ord. No. 1263; amended 9-23-2010 by Ord. No. 1330; 6-26-2018 by Ord. No.
A. Authority to issue provisional operator's licenses. The City Clerk-Treasurer shall have the authority to
issue a provisional operator's license to individuals who have applied for a regular operator's license
pursuant to § 125.17(5), Wis. Stats.
B. Issuance of provisional operator's licenses. All requirements pertaining to issuance and eligibility for a
regular operator's license shall apply to a provisional operator's license. However, evidence that the
applicant has either completed or is enrolled in the training course required by § 125.17(6), Wis. Stats.,
must be submitted at the time of application.
C. Qualifications. No provisional license shall be issued to any individual who:
(1) Has been denied an operator's license by the Common Council.
(2) Has had his/her operator's license revoked or suspended within the preceding 12 months.
D. Revocation. The City Clerk-Treasurer may revoke a provisional license if it is discovered that the holder
of the license made a false statement on his/her application. Notice to the holder of the license shall be
mailed and a copy supplied to the Police Department.
§ 132-9 Temporary licenses.
\[Added 9-20-2007 by Ord. No. 1263; amended 6-26-2018 by Ord. No. 1418; 9-24-2019 by Ord. No.
A. Authority to issue temporary operator's licenses. Pursuant to §125.17(1), Wis. Stats., the City Cler-
Treasurer or designee may issue tTemporary operator's licenses may be granted to any applicant who is
qualified under §125.04(5), Wis. Stats., individuals by the Common Council pursuant to § 125.17(4),
Wis. Stats., upon recommendation by the Finance Committee for the purpose of allowing said
individuals to dispense and serve alcohol beverages under a license issued under § 125.26(6) or
125.51(10), Wis. Stats. No person may hold more than two licenses of this kind per year.
B. Granting of temporary operator's licenses. All requirements pertaining to qualifications, investigation
and granting of a regular operator's license shall apply to a temporary operator's license.
C. The City Clerk-Treasurer or designee is authorized to issue temporary Class "B" (picnic) beer licenses
and temporary "Class B" (picnic) wine licenses pursuant to § 125.26(1) and 125.51(1)(a), Wis. Stats.
The licenses may be issued only to bona fide clubs and chambers of commerce, to county or local fair
associations, or agricultural societies, to churches, lodges or societies that have been in existence for at
least six months before the date of application, and to posts of veterans' organizations authorizing the
sale of fermented malt beverages at a particular picnic or similar gathering, at a meeting of the post, or
during a fair conducted by the fair association or agricultural society. The fee for such license shall be
established by the governing body, but may not exceed $10.
§ 132-10 Terms and fees for regular, provisional and temporary operator's licenses.
\[Added 9-20-2007 by Ord. No. 1263\]
A. The fee for regular, provisional, and temporary operator's licenses shall be set by a resolution approved
by the Common Council.
B. Regular operator's licenses issued under this chapter shall expire biennially on June 30 of each year.
C. A provisional operator's license issued under this chapter shall expire 60 days after its issuance or when
a regular operator's license is issued to the holder, whichever is earlier. Provisional operator's licenses
shall not be renewed.
D. Temporary operator's licenses issued under this chapter shall be valid for any period from one day to 14
days, and the period for which it is valid shall be stated on the license. \[Amended 6-26-2018 by Ord.
No. 1418\]
§ 132-11 Restrictions on granting licenses.
A. Statutory requirements. Licenses and permits shall be issued only to those persons eligible under Ch.
125, Wis. Stats. Licenses and permits granted in error shall be void.
B. Health and sanitation requirements. No retail "Class A" or Class "A" or "Class B" or Class "B" alcohol
beverage license shall be issued for any premises which has not been approved by the Waukesha County
Health Department. \[Amended 4-22-1993 by Ord. No. 790\]
Commented \[6\]: Editor's Note: Amended at time of
adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. II).
C. Delinquent taxes, assessments, claims, et al.
(1) No initial or renewal alcohol beverage license shall be issued for any premises or property for which
taxes, assessments, forfeitures, or claims of the municipality are delinquent and unpaid.
(2) No initial or renewal license or permit shall be issued under this chapter to any person:
Commented \[7\]: Editor's Note: Amended at time of
adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. II).
(a) Who is delinquent in the payment of any taxes, assessment, or other claims owed the municipality.
(b) Who is delinquent in the payment of a forfeiture resulting from the violation of any ordinance of the
(c) Who has any outstanding warrant or capias from any other municipal, state or federal court.
D. License quota. \[Amended 1-21-1999 by Ord. No. 976; 4-6-2000 by Ord. No. 1022\]
(1) Class "A" fermented malt beverage licenses. None. \[Amended 10-23-2003 by Ord. No. 1149\]
(2) "Class A" retail liquor licenses. None. \[Amended 10-23-2003 by Ord. No. 1149\]
(3) Class "B" retail fermented malt beverage licenses. No more than 43 Class "B" fermented malt beverage
licenses shall be issued within any license year.
(4) "Class B" retail liquor licenses. The quota is based on the number of "Class B" retail liquor licenses
granted or issued in good faith and in force on December 1, 1997, in accordance with § 125.51(4)(b)1g,
Wis. Stats., plus the number of reserve "Class B" retail liquor licenses determined in accordance with
§ 125.51(4)(br), Wis. Stats. The number of reserve "Class B" retail liquor licenses increases in
accordance with § 125.51(4)(br)2, Wis. Stats. The quota is not reduced because all available "Class B"
licenses are not issued for one or more licensing years.
(5) "Class C" wine licenses. "Class C" wine licenses shall be issued on the basis of the most recent
estimated population received by the City as determined by the Wisconsin Department of
Administration population estimates forwarded annually to the City of Muskego. Licenses shall be
available for issue based on one license per 2,100 population or fraction thereof over 2,100 within any
license year, except that no person licensed under a "Class C" wine license shall be deprived of such
license merely because of the quota.
§ 132-12 Conditions of license.
A. Consent to inspection. Every applicant obtaining a license thereby consents to the entry of the police or
other authorized representatives of the municipality or the state at any reasonable time for the purpose of
inspection and search, and consents to the removal from said premises of all things found in violation of
municipal ordinances or state law and consents to the introduction of such things as evidence in any
prosecution that may be brought for such offenses.
B. Safety and sanitation requirements. Each licensed premises shall be maintained and conducted in a
sanitary manner and shall be a safe and proper place for the purpose being used.
C. Sales on credit prohibited. No retail licensee shall sell or offer to sell any alcohol beverage to any person
on credit, except by a hotel to a resident guest, by a restaurant to a patron, a club to a bona fide member,
and by grocers and pharmacists who maintain a credit system in connection with other purchases. No
licensee shall sell alcohol beverages on a passbook or store order, or receive goods, wares, or
merchandise in exchange for alcohol beverages.
D. Orderly conduct required. Every licensed premises shall be conducted in an orderly manner, and no
disorderly, riotous or indecent conduct shall be allowed.
E. Gambling prohibited. Gambling shall not be permitted on a licensed premises, unless authorized by state
law. Slot machines or other devices of chance are prohibited and shall not be kept on the premises,
unless authorized by state law.
Commented \[8\]: Editor's Note: Original § 12.01(8)(f),
immediately followed this subsection, was repealed 3-9-2000
F. Sale to intoxicated persons prohibited. No licensee, agent, operator or server shall sell, give, procure or
by Ord.
No. 1018.
otherwise furnish any alcohol beverages to an intoxicated person.
G. Underage persons. No licensee shall employ any underage person to serve, sell, dispense, or give away
an alcohol beverage unless authorized by state law or the general codes of the municipality. The current
and future provisions of § 125.10(2) and §§ 125.07(4)(a), (b) or (bm), 125.085(3)(b) and 125.09(2),
Wis. Stats., are adopted and made a part of this section by reference. A violation of any such provision
shall constitute a violation of this section. Any future amendments, revisions, modifications or additions
of the statutes incorporated herein are intended to be made part of this chapter in order to secure uniform
statewide regulation of alcohol beverages in this state.
H. Controlled substance use prohibited. The conviction of any licensee, partner, agent, authorized
representative or employee of the use, possession, delivery or intent to deliver any controlled substance
defined and regulated under Ch. 961, Wis. Stats., may be considered grounds for the revocation or
suspension of any license provided for in this chapter.
Commented \[9\]: Editor's Note: Amended at time of
adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. II).
§ 132-13 General provisions.
A. Transfer of licenses.
(1) The transfer of every alcohol beverage license shall be governed by § 125.04(12), Wis. Stats.
(2) No transfer of an operator's license is permitted.
(3) If the transfer is approved by the Common Council pursuant to § 125.04(12)(b)4, Wis. Stats., all
conditions set forth under this chapter shall be complied with.
(4) Failure to conform to the terms of license transfer shall be grounds for denial, suspension or revocation
of license.
B. Nonrenewal of licenses. Before renewal of any license or permit issued under this chapter is refused, the
licensee or permittee shall be given written notice of any charges or violations or reasons proposed for
nonrenewal and shall have an opportunity to be heard before the Common Council, pursuant to the
nonrenewal procedures of § 125.12, Wis. Stats.
Commented \[10\]: Editor's Note: Amended at time of
adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. II).
C. Violations by agents and employees. A violation of this chapter by an authorized agent or employee of
the licensee shall constitute a violation by the licensee.
D. Closing hours. Closing hours shall be as set by state statute. \[Amended 2-2-2012 by Ord. No. 1350\]
E. Local option. A retail "Class B" license authorizes the sale of intoxicating liquor to be consumed by the
glass only on the premises where sold and also authorizes the sale of intoxicating liquor in the original
package or container, in multiples not to exceed four liters at any one time, and to be consumed off the
premises where sold. Off-premises sales shall cease at 12:00 midnight of each day.
Commented \[11\]: Editor's Note: Amended at time of
adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. II).
§ 132-14 Revocation and suspension of licenses.
\[Amended 9-20-2007 by Ord. No. 1263\]
A. Whenever the holder of any alcohol beverage license under this chapter violates any portion of this
chapter, proceedings for the revocation or suspension of the license may be instituted in the manner and
under the provisions established under § 125.12, Wis. Stats. In addition, the Common Council, by its
own motion by adoption of a resolution, may begin proceedings for the revocation or suspension of such
B. Whenever the Common Council or the Clerk-Treasurer, as agent thereof, is made aware of an
incompatibility in the operation of a licensed premises in relation to its surrounding or nearby
environment, or a licensed premises is in violation of any condition established or required at the
issuance of the license or of this chapter, proceedings for the purpose of revoking, establishing new
conditions, or continuing the license under previous conditions will be initiated under the same
procedures as provided in Subsection A.
C. Automatic revocation. Any license or permit issued under this chapter may be revoked without further
proceedings upon the conviction of the licensee, agent, employee or representative thereof, pursuant to
§ 125.11(2), Wis. Stats.
§ 132-15 Additional license requirements.
\[Added 3-23-1995 by Ord. No. 862\]
In addition to requirements of all other rules, laws and regulations of the State of Wisconsin and this
municipality, licenses are subject to the following requirements:
A. Any license granted or issued pursuant to the general ordinances for this municipality shall be subject to
further regulation or restriction as may be imposed by the Common Council of the municipality, by
amendment to this chapter or by the enactment of a new ordinance.
B. Further, the Common Council of the municipality or any committee, if authorized by the Common
Council, is specifically authorized to impose reasonable conditions upon any alcohol beverage license
granted or issued.
C. If any licensee shall fail or neglect to meet the requirements imposed by such restrictions and
regulations or the conditions imposed by the municipality, or any committee, if authorized by the
Common Council, his or her license may be revoked, not renewed, suspended or canceled in accordance
with this section.
D. In the case of revocation, nonrenewal, suspension or cancellation of any license for any violation of any
provision of this chapter or violation of any condition imposed by the Common Council of the
municipality or any committee, if authorized by the Common Council, or by the court or for any
reasonable cause, no refund shall be made of any part of the license fee.
E. The following situations may be grounds for cancellation, suspension, revocation or nonrenewal of
licenses in accordance with the provisions of this section and the laws of the State of Wisconsin:
(1) A license is not used within 365 days of the original issuance to an applicant, unless otherwise provided
under special conditions on said license;
(2) When, at the request of the owner of the licensed premises, any licensee's usage of said premises is
discontinued for 60 days or the remainder of a license period, whichever is less; or
(3) Any licensed premises, for a period of 120 days, is being used for a purpose other than for the purpose
of serving alcohol beverages, unless otherwise approved through special conditions.
§ 132-16 Violations and penalties.
Any person, firm, or corporation or the employee or agent of any licensee under this chapter who shall
violate any provisions of this chapter or Ch. 125, Wis. Stats., shall be subject to a penalty as provided in § 1-
4 of this Code.