RESOLUTION #P.C. 126-2004
WHEREAS, Sections 1:1.05(2), 2:2.07, 17:2.02, 17:9.04B, 17:3.06, 17:6.01(2)A, 17:6.01(2)C,
17:6.06(7)B, 18:18.40(1)f, 18:18.40(1)h, 18:18.53, 18:18.90 areas of the City of Muskego Municipal
Code that need clarification and amendments, and
WHEREAS, Planning staff has reviewed said Sections of the Municipal Code and forwarded
recommendations as attached hereto, and
WHEREAS, A public hearing has been scheduled to consider the matter on December 14,
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the Plan Commission recommends the attached
zoning ordinance amendments relating to Chapters 1, 2, 17, and 18 to the Common Council.
Plan Commission
City of Muskego
Adopted: January 4, 2005
Introduced: January 4, 2005
ATTEST: Sandi Asti, Recording Secretary
Chapter 1, Section 1.05 (2), of the Municipal Code of the City of Muskego is hereby amended to read as follows:
The Plan Commission shall consist of the Mayor or in the case of the Mayor’s absence or inability pursuant to Chapter
2:2.07 the “Acting Mayor”, who shall be its presiding officer, a member of the Parks and Recreation Board, the City
Engineer, an Alderman elected annually by 2/3 vote of the Council, and three (3) citizen members, one of whom shall be
appointed annually by the Mayor and confirmed by the Common Council for a term of three (3) years. In the event there is a
vacancy in the position of City Engineer, an additional citizen member may be appointed to serve until the succeeding May
1st. When the position of City Engineer is appointed, such engineer shall succeed to the commission when the term of the
additional citizen member expires. The Plan Commission shall have the powers and duties prescribed in Sec. 62.23, Wis.
Chapter 2, Section 2.07, of the Municipal Code of the City of Muskego is hereby amended to read as follows:
If the Mayor is absent at the designated time of any meeting, the President of the Council shall preside, and during the
absence or inability of the Mayor, shall have the powers and duties of the Mayor, including, but not limited to, the powers
of the Mayor as a member of the Plan Commission as in part set forth in Chapter 1:1.05(2), excepting that he shall not
have the power to approve an act of the Council which the Mayor has disapproved by filing an objection with the Clerk. He
shall, when so officiating, be styled, "Acting Mayor." The President shall be selected by a majority vote of all members of
the Council at the annual meeting on the third Tuesday of April. In the absence of both the Mayor and the President of the
Council, the Clerk shall call the meeting to order and preside until the Council shall, by motion, select an acting Mayor for
that meeting. The Common Council President shall be a member of the Finance Committee.
Chapter 17, Section 2.02, of the Municipal Code of the City of Muskego is hereby amended to add the following definition:
Habitable Structure: A habitable structure shall be defined as any type of structure designed and/or remodeled for
residential use, which as constructed (including the installation of utilities) would allow for normal unrestricted
human occupancy. Final decision as to whether any boathouse, would be considered habitable, will be determined by
the Engineering/Building Inspection Director.
Chapter 17, Section 3.06 (2) (f) 2., is hereby amended to read as follows:
(2) Procedure:
(f) Action:
2. The Common Council shall not take action without first having Plan Commission review the proposed
change or amendments heard the recommendation of the Plan Commission.
Chapter 17, Section 6.01 (2), is hereby amended to read as follows:
(2) Drainage:
A. Adequate Drainage Required: No principal building shall be erected, structurally altered, or relocated on land
which is not adequately drained at all times nor which is subject to periodic flooding, nor so that the lowest
floor level is less than 3 2 feet above the highest anticipated seasonal ground water level. An Occupancy Permit
and Use Permit shall not be issued for any lot where the grading plan approved for that lot at the time of its
platting has not been accomplished. (Am. #59)
B. Obstruction to Drainage Prohibited: The damming, filling, relocating or otherwise interfering with the natural
flow of surface water along any surface water drainage channel or natural water course shall not be permitted
except with approval of the Plan Commission
C. Building Restricted Adjacent to Drainage Channels or Watercourses: No building other than a bridge, dam,
boathouse, or revetment subject to the aforesaid approval, shall be erected, structurally altered or relocated
within 10 feet of the ordinary high water line of surface water, drainage channel or 20 feet of the ordinary high
water line of a natural watercourse nor so that the lowest floor of said building is less than 3 2 feet above
possible flood stage as determined by the Engineering/Building Inspection Director City Engineer.
Chapter 17, Section 6.06 (7) B., is hereby amended to read as follows:
(7) Swimming Pools:
B. Surfaced terraces, sun decks, and walks shall be permitted no closer than 5 feet to a lot line where accessory to a
private residential pool. In any other case they shall be permitted in accordance with the setbacks and offsets
for the property no closer than 10 feet to a lot line.
Chapter 17, Section 9.04 (7) B. 3., is hereby amended to add the following:
(7) Permitted Uses (See 5.01)
3. One (1) boat house in addition to the accessory uses permitted by the underlying
district, and subject to the approval of the Planning Director, or designee, upon
payment of fees and receipt of permits as required and amended from time to
time, and subject to following:
(a.) Location: minimum 20 feet from the ordinary high water mark and subject to the side
yard offset provisions of the underlying district as modified by the OLS overlay
district effective with new construction or relocations after November 15, 2001.
(b.) Height: not greater than 15 feet above the lowest grade.
(c.) Area: no greater than 525 square feet.
(d.) The boathouse must be designed and used principally for the storage of boats and
accessory marine equipment normally used in the daily activities of lakefront property
and which typically includes a large overhead door for primary access on the side of the
structure facing the water.
(e.) A boathouse may not be habitable as defined in Section 17:2.02 of the Municipal Code.
Final decision as to whether any boathouse, would be considered habitable, will be
determined by the Engineering/Building Inspection Director.
Chapter 18, Sections 18.40 (1) (f) and 18.40 (1) (h) are hereby amended to read as follows:
18.40 STREETS.
(f) Public access shall be provided to all navigable stream or lake shores.
Such access shall be at least 100’ 60’ in width platted to the low
watermark at intervals of not more than one-half mile as required by
§236.16(3), Wis. Stats., unless greater intervals and wider access is
agreed upon by the City Plan Commission, the Wisconsin Department of
Natural Resources and the Department of Agriculture, Trade and
Consumer Protection. All platted public access shall front on a public
street, highway, parkway or other public way.
(h) Street names shall not duplicate or be similar to existing street names and existing street names
shall be projected wherever possible. Final approval of street names rests with the Common
Council, upon recommendation of the Plan Commission, Public Safety Works Committee and
Police Department.
Chapter 18, Section 18.50, is hereby amended to read as follows:
All required improvements shall be constructed in accordance with plans and standard specifications approved by the City
Public Works Committee, Public Utilities Committee, Engineering/Building Inspection Director, Wisconsin Department of
Natural Resources and Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District, as may be appropriate. Such plans and standard
specifications shall be submitted, reviewed and approved in accordance with § 18.72 of this chapter. The improving of a
dedicated roadway to City specifications may be waived by the Public Works Committee when three units or less
access a dedicated right-of-way.
Chapter 18, Section 18.90, is hereby amended to read as follows:
All required improvements shall be constructed in accordance with plans and standard specifications approved by the City
Public Works Committee, Public Utilities Committee, Engineering/Building Inspection Director, Wisconsin Department of
Natural Resources and Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District, as may be appropriate. Such plans and standard
specifications shall be submitted, reviewed and approved in accordance with § 18.102 of this chapter. The improving of a
dedicated roadway to City specifications may be waived by the Public Works Committee when three units or less
access a dedicated right-of-way.
Chapter 41, Section 41.06 (5), is hereby amended to read as follows:
Section 62.23(2) of Wisconsin Statutes provides that the City of Muskego may from time to time amend, extend
or add to the Comprehensive Plan or carry out any part of the subject matter in greater detail. The following are
more detailed components of the City of Muskego Comprehensive Plan, which shall therefore have the same
force and effect as the adopted Comprehensive Plan:
(5) General Design Manual adopted by the Plan Commission on March 17, 1998 and amended by the Plan
Commission on December 7, 2004.