RESOLUTION #P.C. 078-2004
OF SECTION 10 (TAX KEY NOS. 2206.999 & 2205.989 / S71 W13219 Tess Corners Drive)
WHEREAS, On June 15, 2004 a site plan and construction information was submitted by William
Grimord to construct a 5,300 square foot accessory structure at the property located at S71
W13219 Tess Corners Drive, and
WHEREAS, The property is zoned RS-2, Suburban Residence District, and C-1, Lowland
Conservancy District, and where said structure is a permitted accessory use and subject to Plan
Commission review due to the proposed architectural materials shown, and
WHEREAS, The total square footage for accessory structures on this property is limited to 57,803
square feet, and said proposal meets the bulk requirements of the Zoning Code, and
WHEREAS, No outbuildings currently exist on the parcel, and
WHEREAS, The structure is proposed to be constructed with red steel walls and a charcoal
colored standing seam steel roof with two to three foot eaves, and said proposal does not meet
the Plan Commission’s standards for administrative approval of residential accessory structures
as the wall and roof materials do not match the materials used on the primary residence, although
the Plan Commission may choose to allow this based on extenuating circumstances, and
WHEREAS, The property is residentially zoned and will constructed in a location that is hidden
from view by the environmental features and topography that exists.
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the Plan Commission approves a 5,300 square foot
accessory structure submitted by William Grimord for the property located at S71 W13219 Tess
Corners Drive.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, This action is due to the Plan Commission finding that the color
and materials presented would not result in any harm to the property or its surroundings.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That failure to comply with the terms of this resolution and the
approved site plans shall result in the issuance of fines of $100 per day per violation, the initiation
of legal action, or both.
Plan Commission
City of Muskego
Adopted: July 6, 2004
Introduced: July 6, 2004
ATTEST: Sandi Asti, Recording Secretary