PCR2004071RESOLUTION #P.C. 071-2004 RECOMMENDATION TO COMMON COUNCIL TO REZONE LAND FROM RSE SUBURBAN RESIDENCE DISTRICT AND A AGRICULTURE DISTRICT TO B-4 HIGHWAY BUSINESS DISTRICT AND FOR A 2010 COMP PLAN AMENDMENT FROM AGRICULTURE AND LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL USE TO COMMERCIAL USE FOR CERTAIN LAND LOCATED IN THE SE ¼ AND SW ¼ OF SECTION 25 (TAX KEY NO. 2259.995.004/ LOOMIS DRIVE) WHEREAS, On May 26, 2004 a petition for an amendment to the Official Zoning Map and 2010 Comp Plan was submitted by Nancy Meinerz, and WHEREAS, Said zoning amendment would reclassify the parcel known as Tax Key No. 2259.995.004 from RSE Suburban Residence District and A Agriculture District to B-4 Highway Business District, and WHEREAS, Said 2010 Plan amendment would reclassify the parcel known as Tax Key No. 2259.995.004 from Agriculture and Rural Residential Use to Commercial Use consistent with the B-3 and B-4 Districts, and WHEREAS, A Public Hearing regarding the rezoning petition and 2010 Plan amendment has been scheduled before the Common Council on July 13, 2004, and WHEREAS, The adjacent properties to the east and north are planned for Commercial Use consistent with the B-3 and B-4 Districts, and WHEREAS, The adjacent properties to the west and south are planned for Agriculture and Rural Residential Use, and WHEREAS, The adjacent properties to the east, west and north are zoned RSE Suburban Residence District, and WHEREAS, The adjacent properties to the south are zoned A Agriculture District. THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the Plan Commission does hereby recommend approval to the Common Council to rezone the parcel known as Tax Key No. 2259.995.004 from RSE Suburban Residence District and A Agriculture District to B-4 Highway Business District and to reclassify the parcel known as Tax Key No. 2259.995.004 from Agriculture and Rural Residential Use to Commercial Use consistent with the B-3 and B-4 Districts. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That this recommendation is subject to approval of Resolution #PC 072-2004. Plan Commission City of Muskego Adopted: Defeated: July 20, 2004 Deferred: July 6, 2004 Introduced: July 6, 2004 ATTEST: Sandi Asti, Recording Secretary