RESOLUTION #P.C.068a-2004
(APOLLO DRIVE/ TAX KEY NOs. 2228.999.020 AND 2228.999.021)
WHEREAS, On May 4, 2004 plans were submitted by Earl Meinen for a Building, Site
and Operation Plan for warehouse and office facilities in the Muskego Industrial Park
located in the SE ¼ of Section 17, and
WHEREAS, On June 8, 2004 new plans were submitted by Earl Meinen for a
Building, Site and Operation Plan for warehouse and office facilities in the
Muskego Industrial Park located in the SE ¼ of Section 17, and
WHEREAS, Said property is currently zoned I-1 Industrial Park District, and said uses
are permitted uses in said district, and
WHEREAS, Said parcels will be serviced by public sewer and water facilities, and
WHEREAS, Said property is subject to the design standards outlined in the City of
Muskego’s General Design Guide and the Rules and Regulations for the Muskego
Business/Industrial Park, and
WHEREAS, The petitioner requests approval for a 11,448 square foot structure housing
an office and a warehouse that will be constructed in two one phases, and a 9,000
square foot RV storage building, and said structures meet the floor area and height
requirements of the zoning ordinance, and
WHEREAS, Proposal exists on two separate parcels with new structures proposed to
utilize the same access point as the existing building, and easements or the merging of
parcels may be required, and
WHEREAS, Said structures are proposed to be constructed with industrial architectural
influences, and are proposed to be constructed with exterior materials which include
modular brick, poured colored concrete walls with modular brick patterns, ribbed
aluminum panels, aluminum fascia band, and colorkad roofing, and
WHEREAS, Said structures depict the use of aluminum siding and colorkad roofing, and
said materials and colors of materials mimic previous Plan Commission approvals, and
WHEREAS, A truck well is proposed on the east south half of the warehouse/office
building and during loading times access will not be a concern as the truck well is
outside of the parking and main access points concerns will be of no concern due to
secondary thru-access around the east half of the property, and
WHEREAS, Bollards are proposed within the truck well and no elevations are shown,
WHEREAS, All Building mechanicals, including HVAC units, are not shown but should
be screened from view, and
WHEREAS, A large area of pavement is shown for the appropriate ingress/egress for
the RV storage, and
WHEREAS, Stormwater and Grading Plans accompany the submittal and will require
approvals of the Engineering Department before the release of building permits, and
WHEREAS, Stormwater detention is proposed in an appropriate location behind the
existing structure outside of delineated wetlands, and
WHEREAS, Fencing is depicted south of the warehouse structure and will be for
storage of all outdoor materials consisting of chain link with privacy slats
consistent with the color of the proposed structures along the western border of the
property and the fencing is to be an “Owner’s Option,” and this fencing does not appear
to be needed in conjunction with the landscaping, and
WHEREAS, Fencing is depicted to be used on an as need basis for the RV storage
facility and leaves this determination up to Plan Commission, and
WHEREAS, Nine (9) Twenty-six (26) parking stalls are proposed for the new
structures and for existing employee parking for the existing structure, and said
number of parking stalls conforms to zoning requirements, and the stall size is indicated
to be 10’ x 20’, and
WHEREAS, One (1) monument sign is proposed for the site measuring 24 square feet in
sign area, five feet in height, with a five-foot setback from the Apollo right-of-way, and
advertising three users, and the proposed signage meets the Code requirements as
outlined in Section 17:6.09 of the Municipal Code, and
WHEREAS, Lighting for the buildings and site is proposed in the form of sixteen (16)
fixtures, with lamps being 250-watt high pressure sodium to 70-watt high pressure
sodium, and the photometric plans have been provided, and said plans have been found
to meet the City requirements, and
WHEREAS, A landscaping plan has been submitted, and the plans have been reviewed
by the Conservation Forester, and said plans have been found to meet the City
requirements, and
WHEREAS, A dumpster enclosure exists on the site and was approved along with the
existing building by Plan Commission in 1996, and elevations of new dumpster
enclosures are included in the submittal in the event a new enclosure is needed for a
tenant, and said new enclosure meets City requirements encompassing a cedar door
with embossed concrete walls to match existing buildings proposed, and
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the Plan Commission approves of the Building,
Site and Operation Plan submitted May 4, 2004 June 8, 2004 by Earl Meinen for
warehouse and office facilities in the Muskego Industrial Park located in the SE ¼ of
Section 17.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Plan Commission finds the proposed
architecture to conform to requirements outlined in the General Design Guide.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That prior to the issuance of building permits, petitioner
shall meet with the City Assessor to sign and pay the fees for the appropriate
documents in order to merge the two properties, said documents will be recorded
by the City Assessor after occupancy. secure all cross-access
easements/stormwater easements if the parcels are to remain as two separate
properties OR the merging of the two parcels shall be accomplished and evidence of
either of these scenarios must be presented to the Planning Department.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That fencing will not be needed on the western border of
the property or for extra security of the RV storage due to the proposed landscaping
being sufficient and the industrial nature of the site.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That bollards must be painted a natural color that
matches the proposed structures.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That all outdoor storage must be screened and stored
and that all employee parking must utilize the approved parking locations.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That a copy of said plans be kept on file in the Building
Department and that all aspect of this plan as they relate to landscape areas and
drainage shall be maintained in perpetuity unless otherwise authorized by the Plan
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That if occupancy is requested prior to the completion of
landscaping and/or asphalting, a bond, or cashiers check equal to twice the value of said
costs must be submitted to the Planning Department.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That failure to comply with the approval contained in this
resolution shall result in the imposition of fines of $100 per day, the initiation of legal
action, or both.
Plan Commission
City of Muskego
Adopted: June 15, 2004
Deferred: June 1, 2004
Introduced: June 1, 2004
ATTEST: Sandi Asti, Recording Secretary