PCR2004051_UPDATERESOLUTION #P.C. 051-2004
(TAX KEY NOS. 2258.995 AND 2261.978.001 / RYAN ROAD)
WHEREAS, Building Site and Operation Plans submitted May 13, 2004 and a Condominium Plat
submitted April 16, 2004 was submitted by Burke Properties, for a Building, Site and Operation Plan for a
48 unit condominium development for St. Andrews Village of Country Club Villages located in the NE ¼
and NW ¼ of Section 25, and
WHEREAS, The proposed St. Andrews Village includes forty-eight (48) dwelling units in twenty-four
structures, and
WHEREAS, Said property is currently zoned R-3 Country Home District and A Agricultural District, and
the proposal requires a rezoning to RSA / OPD Attached Single Family Residence with Planned
Development Overlay District which is addressed as part of P.C. Resolution #052-2004, and
WHEREAS, The proposal includes 15 foot side yards between structures, 50 foot offsets from the high
water mark of navigable structures, 20 foot offsets from Ryan Road right-of-way, and said setback and
offset provisions are permitted under Planned Development District Overlay zoning, and
WHEREAS, A Rezoning Public Hearing is scheduled for May 11, 2004, and
WHEREAS, The approved master plan for Country Club Villages depicts St. Andrews Village as including
seventy-five (75) dwellings consistent with RSA / OPD zoning standards, and the proposal is within the
density approved by the Country Club Villages Master Plan, and
WHEREAS, The proposal includes twenty-four (24) structures, each being a side-by-side duplex with
options for facades, and
WHEREAS, The proposed structures all have the option to be one or two stories with different facades and
the owners will chose the layout at the time of sale, and
WHEREAS, Said structures are proposed to be constructed with strict architectural detailing, and said
structures are consistent with the General Design Guide, and
WHEREAS, Each structure is proposed to be constructed of Running Bond Brick, cedar trim, hardi-plank
siding, and 30 year dimensional shingles, and elements such as soldier courses and stone sills are used, and
WHEREAS, Building elevations must meet the 50% brick requirement within the General Design Guide,
although two-family structures may be reviewed on an individual basis to allow for greater flexibility in
design, and
WHEREAS, Most of the building elevations are above the 50% masonry requirement within the General
Design Guide and each elevation provides for a durable surface that can withstand golf related abuse with
the addition of hardi-plank siding, however no plans are made for the windows abutting the golf course,
WHEREAS, Each condominium unit is provided with four (4) off street parking spaces and only two (2)
off-street parking stalls are required by code, and
WHEREAS, The 2010 Comprehensive Plan depicts the area for single-family attached dwelling unit
development consistent with the St. Andrews Village proposal, and
WHEREAS, The adopted Conservation Plan depicts wetlands and a navigable stream on the property to be
a medium value management priority and this area is preserved as part of the plat, and
WHEREAS, The adopted 2003-2007 Park and Open Space Plan does not depict acquisitions in this area,
WHEREAS, Landscape plans are a part of the BSO Plan, although a full landscape plan including street
trees is not a part of the submittal, and
WHEREAS, The proposal includes only private streets, and all streets are consistent with the street width
requirements depicted on the 2010 Street System Plan, and are consistent with construction specifications
approved by the Public Works Committee, and
WHEREAS, The 2010 Street System Plan depicts Ryan Road to be an 80 foot wide right-of-way, and the
proposal depicts it as such, and
WHEREAS, The proposed condominiums will be served by municipal sanitary sewer and water service,
WHEREAS, The proposal is subject to Developers Agreements to be executed by the City and petitioner to
address the construction of public and private improvements, and
WHEREAS, All infrastructure is proposed to be constructed in one phase, but condominium platting and
building construction is anticipated to occur in multiple phases, and
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the Plan Commission approves of the Building Site and Operation
Plan and Condominium Plat for St. Andrews Village of Country Club Villages submitted by Burke
Properties located in the NE ¼ and NW ¼ of Section 25.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Plan Commission approved of the phased development of the
Condominium Plat, and only requires further review of plat additions where the Planning Department finds
that such additions are inconsistent with the Site Plans approved by this Resolution.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, The approval is subject to providing that the road dedications and land
divisions have the appropriate recording documents in order before Common Council approval.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, Tempered glass will be required for windows abutting the golf course.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, A complete landscape plan is required to be submitted to the Planning
Department and approved by the City Forester before the issuance of building permits and landscape
screening will be required in a 20 foot easement along Ryan Road and street trees will be required in this
easement and along all private right-of-ways in the development.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That a copy of said plans be kept on file in the Building Department and
that all aspect of this plan as they relate to landscape areas and drainage shall be maintained in perpetuity
unless otherwise authorized by the Plan Commission.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That if occupancy is requested prior to the completion of landscaping
and/or asphalting, a bond, letter of credit or cashiers check equal to twice the value of said costs must be
submitted to the Planning Department.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That failure to comply with the approval contained in this resolution shall
result in the imposition of fines of $100 per day, the initiation of legal action, or both.
Plan Commission
City of Muskego
Adopted: May 18, 2004
Introduced: May 18, 2004
ATTEST: Sandi Asti, Recording Secretary