RESOLUTION #P.C. 048-2004
TAX KEY NO. 2169.987.004)
WHEREAS, Plans were submitted on March 9, 2004 by Greg Petrauski requesting approval of a Building
Site and Operation Plan for multi-family residences on the Lindeman property located in the SE ¼ of
Section 3 (S70 W16211 Martin Drive / Tax Key No. 2169.987.004), and
WHEREAS, Updated plans were submitted on July 13, 2004, and
WHEREAS, The submittal included architectural elevations of the proposed structures, a site plan, a
utility system map, a grading and erosion control plan, and a landscape plan, and
WHEREAS, Seven structures are pictured on the site plan consisting of two 4 unit buildings and
five 8 unit buildings Four structures are pictured on the site plan consisting of one 16 unit structure, two
12 unit structures, and one 8 unit structure with units that are stacked on two stories, and
WHEREAS, A building elevation of an eight unit structure with a half exposure is shown and will
be constructed along the south property line of the plan, and
WHEREAS, The proposed structures meet the requirements of the Zoning Code due to the inclusion of
the OPD Planned Development Zoning District, and
WHEREAS, The 2010 Comprehensive Plan depicts the property to be utilized for high density residential
use and the proposal is consistent with the Plan, and
WHEREAS, The Conservation Plan and Park and Open Space Plan depict no acquisitions for the parcel
and the proposal is consistent with the plans, and
WHEREAS, The property is subject to the provisions of the Muskego Design Guide, which has been duly
adopted as a component of the 2010 Comprehensive Plan, and the provisions of said Guide include but
are not limited to the requirement for four sided architecture, and
WHEREAS, The elevations include the use of brick, architectural block, hardi-plank vinyl siding, and
architectural shingles utilizing general earth tone colors, and although the elevations don’t appear to meet
the 50% masonry requirement as noted in the Muskego Design Guide, and
WHEREAS, The materials depicted do not show cedar trimming around the windows and doors, and
WHEREAS, The materials depicted show two materials being used for the decking including a composite
material being used for the decking and a vinyl railing, and
WHEREAS, The materials depicted show the use of vinyl siding, although hardi-plank or cedar siding as
is usually used in multi-family developments, and
WHEREAS, The Muskego Design Guide requires all mechanical installations to be screened from public
view, and this submittal does not identify the location or screening mechanisms to be utilized, and
WHEREAS, Access is provided in the intended location along Martin Drive and internal access is
shown throughout the interior of the property and a southerly access stub is provided to the southern
parcel border for future access, although the design proposed does not follow the concept as far as
internal access is concerned per the approved Plan Commission Resolution #P.C. 046-2003, and
WHEREAS, The site currently provides parking for 2 vehicles per unit in an enclosed garage, and site
plan illustrates 24 guest parking stalls, which results in 2.5 stalls per unit and meets the general intent for
number of stalls, however the guest stalls aren’t reasonably adjacent to the intended users, and
WHEREAS, A landscaping plan has been submitted and has been reviewed by the City Forester, and the
plan appears compliant with the exception of a few technical discrepancies, and
WHEREAS, No lighting is depicted as part of the plan, all proposed lighting for the site will be required to
be submitted to the Plan Commission for review and approval if used, and
WHEREAS, No signage is proposed with this submittal, and all proposed signage for the site will be
required to be submitted to the Plan Commission for review and approval, and
WHEREAS, The plan indicates that refuse containers must be kept inside the buildings, and this meets
with the intent of the General Design Guide, and
WHEREAS, No accommodations for metering rooms are made on the building layouts, and
WHEREAS, Grading, Utility, and Stormwater plans have been submitted, and are currently under review
by the City Engineer and the Public Works and Utility Committees for compliance with Chapter 34.
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the Plan Commission approves a Building Site and Operation
Plan for Lindale Residences as per the submitted documents from July 13, 2004, a multi-family
development, located in SE ¼ of Section 3 (S70 W16211 Martin Drive / Tax Key Number 2169.987.004).
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, The landscape plan be adjusted and approved by the City Forester prior to
the issuance of building permits.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, Lighting and photometric plans shall be provided in the future if necessary
and will need approval by Plan Commission.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That all mechanicals serving the site and / or structure shall be screened
from public view.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That guest parking should be reconfigured and resubmitted to show
adjacency to the intended users.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That all drives, access ways, and parking areas be curbed and no parking
shall be allowed in front of the garages of the structures.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That hammerhead turnarounds be provided for all dead end access
roadways or that a site plan be provided showing access throughout the site similar to the concept that
was approved as per Plan Commission Resolution #P.C. 046-2003.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That if signage is desired it must be approved by the City’s Plan
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the building materials on the building elevations be changed to show:
1. Cedar trimming around all windows and doorframes.
2. Decking materials should be a consistent material, either all composite or all cedar.
3.The vinyl siding should be a cedar material or hardi-plank (Hardi-plank is highly
recommended as it counts as a masonry product).
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That accommodations be made to show where metering rooms will be
located on the building layouts as per the Engineering Department.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That updated building elevations be provided denoting the amount of
masonry product used, which should total over 50% since this is appropriate for a bulk rental property.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the site plan be revised to reflect the original concept that was
approved as per Plan Commission Resolution #P.C. 046-2003 or the amount of units be reduced in order
to resolve and address the issues discussed above including the resolution of better fire access, parking
adjacency issues, and areas for snow storage.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That this approval is contingent on Plan Commission approval of a
condominium plat for the petitioned property and structures.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That a cross-access easement for the public benefit must be
recorded from the Martin Drive entrance to the southerly street stub to address future cross
access concerns.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the units will be known to have three bedrooms and not two
bedrooms and a den as noted in the submitted layouts due to the den having the qualities of a
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That this approval is subject to Public Works and Utility Committee
approval of all grading, erosion control, storm water management plans, utility plans, developer’s
agreements, and recorded easements intended to serve the site.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That a copy of said plans be kept on file in the Building Department and
that all aspect of this plan as they relate to landscape areas and drainage shall be maintained in
perpetuity unless otherwise authorized by the Plan Commission.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That if occupancy is requested prior to the completion of landscaping
and/or second lift of asphalting, a cash bond, letter of credit, or cashiers check equal to twice the value of
said costs must be submitted to the Planning Department.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That failure to comply with the approval contained in this resolution shall
result in the imposition of fines of $100 per day, the initiation of legal action, or both.
*BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That an additional twelve guest parking stalls be placed within the
immediate plan development and up to an additional twelve parking stalls should be incorporated
in the stormwater parcel on the East side of Martin Driver per Public Works review.
Plan Commission
City of Muskego
Adopted: August 3, 2004
Deferred: May 18, 2004; June 1, 2004; June 15, 2004; July 6, 2004; July 20, 2004
Introduced: May 18, 2004
ATTEST: Sandi Asti, Recording Secretary.