PCR2003079 RESOLUTION #P.C. 079-2003 RECOMMENDATION TO COMMON COUNCIL TO ENACT A SIX (6) MONTH MORATORIUM ON LAND DIVISIONS, REZONING PETITIONS, AND BUILDING SITE AND OPERATION PLAN APPROVALS, TO APPLY TO PROPERTIES WHICH ARE CURRENTLY ZONED RS-1 SUBURBAN RESIDENCE DISTRICT AND RSE SUBURBAN ESTATE DISTRICT (MOORLAND ROAD CORRIDOR / TAX KEY NOS. 2166.997, 2169.990, 2169.996, 2166.999, 2169.992, 2169.998, 2169.986, 2169.993, 2169.999, 2169.987, 2169.994, 2172.998, 2169.988, 2169.995, 2172.998.002, 2169.989, 2169.995.001, 2172.999, 2169.991, 2169.997 and 2166.998). WHEREAS, The City of Muskego Common Council adopted a 2010 Comprehensive Plan on March 13, 2001, and WHEREAS, On August 27, 2002 , The Common Council Approved Resolution #174-2002, Resolution To Approve Financing And Execution Of Agreement Between The City Of Muskego And Vandewalle & Associates For An Economic Development Strategic Plan, and WHEREAS, the findings and conclusions of the Economic Development Strategic Plan are anticipated to require amendments to the 2010 Comprehensive Plan and the Zoning Code of the City of Muskego, and WHEREAS, The Muskego Plan Commission finds that time is necessary to consider and adopt any such changes. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That in order to insure sufficient time for the Plan Commission and Common Council to study the draft Economic Development Strategic Plan and any necessary amendments to the 2010 Comprehensive Plan and the Zoning Code of the City of Muskego, the Plan Commission hereby recommends that the Common Council enact a six (6) month moratorium on all new land divisions, rezoning petitions, and Building Site and Operation Plan approvals, to apply to properties which are currently zoned RS-1 Suburban Residence District and RSE Suburban Estate District (Moorland Road Corridor / Tax Key Nos. 2166.997, 2169.990, 2169.996, 2166.999, 2169.992, 2169.998, 2169.986, 2169.993, 2169.999, 2169.987, 2169.994, 2172.998, 2169.988, 2169.995, 2172.998.002, 2169.989, 2169.995.001, 2172.999). BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Plan Commission recommends that the Common Council include appeal provisions for persons believing they should not be subject to said moratorium. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Plan Commission recommends that the Common Council exempt from the moratorium any land division procedure, rezoning procedure, or Building Site and Operation Plan procedure which has been filed prior to the passage of the moratorium ordinance. Plan Commission City of Muskego Adopted: June 17, 2003 Defeated: Deferred: Introduced: June 17, 2003 ATTEST: Sandi Asti, Recording Secretary