PCR2003058RESOLUTION #P.C. 058-2003 APPROVAL OF AN ANNUAL REVIEW FOR SALE OF FIREWORKS FOR DEBRAJEAN DUKOVAN AT THE BURGER KING PROPERTY LOCATED IN THE SW ¼ OF SECTION 10 (S74 W17095 JANESVILLE ROAD / TAX KEY NO. 2199.999.002) WHEREAS, A request has been submitted by Debrajean Dukovan to locate a temporary sales tent and signs advertising the sale of fireworks at the Burger King property located at S74 W17095 Janesville Road, and WHEREAS, Fireworks sales were previously operated at this location, and that temporary sales vendors are limited to one on site at any one time, and WHEREAS, The tent canopy will be 20’ x 20’ in size, and WHEREAS, Signage has not been depicted on the proposal and will require separate Planning Department approval, and WHEREAS, A site plan has been filed for Staff review and that proof of sanitary facilities accommodations has been provided, and WHEREAS, An electrical permit and inspection will be required by the Building Inspection Department for the electricity hookup, and WHEREAS, A Transient Merchant License will be required to be obtained from the City Clerks Office. THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the Plan Commission approves the request for a temporary stand at the Burger King parking lot in the Muskego Center Shopping Complex for fireworks sales for Debrajean Dukovan subject to the following conditions: 1. Dates of operation approved from June 26th, 2003, to July 5, 2003, and 2. Hours of operation permitted only from 9am to 9pm, and 3. A letter of approval from the property owner has been submitted to the Planning Department approving rental space for Ms. Dukovan, and 4. Applicable permits / licensing must be obtained from the Building Inspection department prior to any site work on the property. 5. Petitioner to obtain a Transient Merchants License from the Clerk-Treasurer’s Office. Plan Commission City of Muskego Adopted: May 6, 2003 Defeated: Deferred: Introduced: May 6, 2003 ATTEST: Sandi Asti, Recording Secretary