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PCR2002045RESOLUTION #P.C. 045-2002 APPROVAL OF A SKETCH LAND DIVISION, CONCEPTUAL AMENDMENT TO THE 2010 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN, AND CONCEPTUAL REZONING FOR THE MACIOLEK LIMITED PARTNERSHIP PROPERTY BY REDMOND DEVELOPMENT LOCATED IN THE SW % OF SECTION 2 AND NW %OF SECTION 11 (TAX KEY NO. 2167.995.004 AND TAX KEY NO. 2167.995.005) WHEREAS, On March 8. 2002 a sketch for a land division, conceptual amendment to the 2010 Comprehensive Plan, and conceptual rezoning was submitted by Redmond Development for the Maciolek Limited Partnership Property located in the SW % of Section 2 and NW % of Section 11, and WHEREAS, Said proposal consists of approximately 43.8 acres, and proposes approximately 9.2 acres of commercial property fronting on Janesville Road, and attached single family residences located in 52 duplex structures, and WHEREAS, The property is currently zoned RS-2 Suburban Residence District, requiring a minimum lot size of 20,000 square feet and an average minimum width of 110 feet, and WHEREAS, The proposal would require a rezoning to the 8-3 General Business District, and RSA Attached Single Family Residence District, with OPD Planned Development District Overlay, and WHEREAS, The adopted Comprehensive Plan depicts this area for commercial development to the west of Moorland Road, and medium density residential development not to exceed 2.9 dwelling units per acre and generally being in conformance with RS-2 and RS-3 District regulations, and the proposal would require an amendment to the 2010 Comprehensive Plan to relocate the commercial development and expand it by approximately 1.5 acres, and amend the residential portions to permit attached single family residences, and WHEREAS, The proposal will be serviced by City sewer and water, and WHEREAS, The proposal will include public street connections as well as private roadways constructed to the standards of a public street, and further provides recreation trail access along Janesville Road, Moorland Road, and to Cornell Circle, and WHEREAS, The proposal will provide common stormwater management facilities and provides over 23 acres of common open space. THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the Plan Commission approves of a 43.8 acre sketch for a land division as submitted by Redmond Development for the Maciolek Limited Partnership Property located in the SW % of Section 2 and NW % of Section 11 and will be receptive to the submittal of a preliminary plat BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Plan Commission will be receptive to an amendment to 0 the 2010 Comprehensive Plan to relocate commercial land uses on the property as depicted on the March 8,2002 submittal by Redrnond Development. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Plan Commission will be receptive to an amendment to the Zoning Map to provide 8-3 General Business District zoning and RSA Attached Single 0 Family District zoning, under the auspices of the OPD Planned Development District and as depicted on the March 8,2002 submittal by Redmond Development. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That this approval is granted in concept only and final action is only an indication of the current intent of the Plan Commission; Final submittals are subject to future review and consideration by the Plan Commission, municipal committees of jurisdiction, and other agencies, and approval of final plans is not guaranteed by this action of the Plan Commission. Plan Commission City of Muskego Adopted: March 19,2002 Defeated: Deferred: 0 Introduced: March 19,2002 ATTEST. Sandi Asti, Recording Secretary