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PCR2002030ARESOLUTION #P.C. 030a-2002 RECOMMENDATION TO COMMON COUNCIL TO AMEND THE MMSD 208 PLAN SANITARY SEWER SERVICE AREA BOUNDARY FOR THE BIATTNER PROPERTY LOCATED IN THE NW ?A OF SECTION 24 (TAX KEY NO. 2253.999 / NORTH CAPE ROAD). WHEREAS, &On February 22, 2002 a petition has been received by Creative Homes to amend the sanitary sewer service area for the Blather property Located In The NW ?A Of Section 24. and WHEREAS, Said petition was revised on March 22, 2002, and WHEREAS, The petition would remove approximately a582.~29.4 gross acres I east of North Cape Road from the sanitary sewer service area, and said lands are zoned R-3 / OA Country Home District and Agricultural Overlay District, and said zoning would permit the development of two residences, and WHEREAS, The petition would add approximately -14.8 gross acres to the 1 sanitary sewer service area, and said lands are zoned R-3 Country Home District and R-2 Country Home District, and said zoning would permit the development of thirteen residences, and .. a WHEREAS, The Public Utilities Committee has endorsed the proposal, and WHEREAS, The lands to be removed from the sanitary sewer service area are depicted in the Conservation Plan as being a medium acquisition priority, and the removal of said lands diminished the development potential of the property, and WHEREAS, The lands to be added to the sanitary sewer service area include approximately eight acres of lands which are depicted in the Conservation.Plan as being a high acquisition priority, and the inclusion of said lands in the service area provides the petitioner incentive to pursue development under the auspices of a Conservation pPlanned dDevelopment dDistrict which can achieve the goals I of the Conservation Plan, and WHEREAS, On February 22, 2002 Tthe petitioner has submitted a Yield Plan as I the basis for future submittals of a Conservation Subdivision Plat, and said submittal is subject to Plan Commission review by Resolution #PC 031-2002, I and a WHEREAS, On March 27, 2002 the petitioner has submitted a Sketch Preliminary Plat of a Conservation Subdivision Plat, and said submittal is subject to Plan Commission review by Resolution #PC 052-2002, and THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the Plan Commission does hereby recommend approval to the Common Council amend the sanitary sewer service area for the Blattner property Located In The NW 'A Of Section 24. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That this approval is subject to petitioner's submittal of a preliminary plat for a Conservation Subdivision for the lands west of North Cape Road, which preserves the lands identified in the Conservation Plan. Plan Commission City of Muskego Adopted: April 2, 2002 Defeated: Deferred: March 5. 2002, March 19, 2002 Introduced: March 5, 2002