PCR1998195CSM: Sketch a RESOLUTION #P.C. 195-98 RECOMMENDATION OF APPROVAL OF LEGAL LOT STATUS FOR A PARCEL OF LAND ADJACENT TO S70 W17778 MUSKEG0 DRIVE DIVISION FOR ALVIN NORGAL PROPERTY LOCATED IN THE SE !A OF SECTION 4 (TAX KEY NO. 2176.069) WHEREAS, On October 29, 1998 a petition for legal lot status for lot 13 of Muskego Shores Subdivision was submitted by Alvin Norgal for a lot adjacent to S70 W17778 Muskego Drive, and WHEREAS, The proposed legal lot designation would deem buildable a parcel of land having 45 feet of street frontage, a total size of 5,767 sq. ft. and a buildable area approximately 2,385 sq. ft., and WHEREAS, Said property is zoned RS-3/0ED Suburban Residence with an Existing Development Overlay District, requiring a minimum lot size of 11,250 square feet and an average minimum width of 75 feet, and said lot appears not to meet said minimum zoning requirements, and WHEREAS, The Land Use 2005 Plan depicts this area as being set aside for medium density residential development and the RS-3 zoning district is anticipated for this area, and a WHEREAS, City sewer service is available to the parcel, WHEREAS, Adjacent and surrounding properties are similar in lot width and square footage. THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the Plan Commission recommends to the Common Council that approval be granted for legal lot status of lot 13 of Muskego Shores subdivision citing that the subject lot is compatible to adjacent properties, has sufficient buildable area to accommodate residence and has City sewer available. Plan Department City of Muskego Adopted Defeated 12- 1-98 Deferred 1 1-24-98