PCR1998139RESOLUTION #P.C. 139-98 RECOMMENDATION OF APPROVAL TO REZONE THE STEFANMK PROPERTIES LOCATED IN THE NW Vi OF SECTION 21, FROM B-1, NEIGHBORHOOD CONDVENIENCE DISTRICT TO RSWOIP, MULTIPLE FAMILY RESIDENCE WITH AN INSTITUTIONK AND PUBLIC SERVICE OVERLAY (TAX KEY NOS. 2242.984 AND A PORTION OF 2241.999) WHEREAS, Conceptual plans for a 24 unit elderly housing complex for New Markets, Inc., was approved on June 16, 1998, under Plan Commission Resolution #P.C. 104-98, for the property located in the southeast comer of Woods Road and Racine Avenue, and WHEREAS, A condition of approval included rezoning the property from a B-I, Neighborhood Convenience District to a RSIWOIP, Multiple Family Residence District with an Institutional and Public Service Overlay in conjunction with a Conditional Use, and WHEREAS, A Public Hearing for the Conditional Use has been scheduled before the Planning Commission on August 4, 1998, and a Public Hearing for a rezoning has been scheduled before the Common Council on August 11, 1998, and WHEREAS, The adjacent properties are zoned as follows: the north is B-1 which contain a former tavern and multi-family residence, and RSIWOPD/OIP for a senior housing facility, to the east are residential zoning districts containing single family residences, to the south the zoning contains an ENOOS, with a single family residence and agricultural lands and to the west are RS- 0 3/OPD and RS-UOIP zoning with a single family subdivision and the high school, and WHEREAS, The City of Muskego Land Use Plan for the Year 2005 anticipates this specific area for continued commercial use, however the Plan Commission considers this proposal and a non-substantial change to said Plan. THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the Plan Commission does hereby recommend approval to the Common Council for the rezoning of approximately 2.56 acres of property located in the NW Vi of Section 21, from B-I, Neighborhood Convenience District to RSWOIP, Multiple Family Residence District with an Institutional and Public Service Overlay. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That Plan Commission recommend to Common Council not to rezone until conditional use permit is granted, a certified survey map of the entire property placed if construction does not proceed. , of the proposed development is approved and that a time limitation of twelve (12) months be Plan Commission City of Muskego I Approved 08-04-98 Deferred 07-27-98