PCR19981100. AMENDED RESOLUTION WC. 110-98 RECOMMENDATION OF APPROVAL TO AMEND CHAPTER 17, SECTION 6.12 AND CREATING SECTION 6.13, CITY OF MUSKEGO ZONING ORDINANCE, TIME RESTRICITONS FOR PLAN COMMISSION APPROVAL AND MINIMUM REVEW FEES I WHEREAS, In response to the submittal of several building, site and operation plans and land division proposals that had been approved several years ago, and in response to the request for building and zoning permits or Certified Survey Map submittals for said approvals, the Plan Commission has expressed concern over the validity of such approvals and the conformance to current design and enforcement standards, and I WHEREAS, StafF has expressed limiting the amount of time that a Plan Commission Resolution for a building, site and operation plan or a sketch land division is valid, thus requiring resubmittal, and I WHEREAS, The staff proposes to amend Section 6, Special Regulations and replace Section 6.12, Minimum Review Fees with a section to limit the validity of a Plan Commission approvals and create a Section 6.13 to place the Minimum Review fees as follows: 6.12 TIME RESTRICTIONS FOR PLAN COMMISSION APPROVALS Plan Commission approvals granted for building, site and operation plans, signs, second garage structures, temporary structures and sketch land divisions in which the petitioner has not commenced construction activity or preparation of the land, or has not submitted a Certified Survey Map or Preliminary Plat within the past 24 months of the date of approval, said approval will expire and reapplication will be required. A reapplication shall be limited solely to reasonable compliance with current design, locational, and operational requirements. A reapplication shall not involve the basic permissibility of the use where such use is permitted by right at the time of reapplication. The Plan Commission may grant one six month extension if requested 30 days prior to the pending expiration date provided that the applicant demonstrates a valid cause. 6.13 MINIMUM REVIEW FEES - PLAN COMMISSION (Section numbering changes from 6.12 to 6.13. Ordinance language remains the same) THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the Plan Commission recommends approval of amending Chapter 17, Section 6.12 and creating Section 6.13, of the Zoning Ordinance, for Time Restrictions for Plan Commission Approval and Minimum Review Fees as stated in the third WHEREAS. Plan Department City of Muskego Adopted 06-16-98 Defeated Deferred 06-08-98