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PCR1998105e RESOLUTION #P.C. 105-98 APPROVAL OF A CONCEPTUAL REZONING FOR COMMERCIAL USE FOR THE HOORMAN PROPERTY LOCATED IN THE NW % OF SECTION 10 (PARCEL ADDRESSED AS S72 W16450 JANESVILLE ROAD) WHEREAS, A letter of intent and site plan have been submitted requesting commercial and multi-family zoning at the parcel addressed as S72 W16450 Janesville Road or a parcel zoned currently as a RSM, Multiple Family Residence District by Robert D. Hoorman on June 4, 1998, and WHEREAS, The parcel currently has a twelve family residential building at the north end of the parcel and a single family residential unit along Janesville Road, and WHEREAS, The petitioner plans to divide the parcel into one 69,0000 square feet parcel for the multifamily unit and raze the single family residential unit and extend the commercial zoning on the west end along Janesville Road to the east to permit a similar multi-tenant building catering to similar tenants, and WHEREAS, Zoning to the west and south consist of €3-4, Highway Business, and zoning to the north and east consist of additional RSM and RSA, Attached Single Family District zoning, and e WHEREAS, The Comprehensive Land Use Plan for the year 2005 promotes this area for high density residential development. THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the Plan Commission approves of the conceptual rezoning and division for commercial use at the property located in the NW % of Section 10 (parcel addressed as S72 W16450 Janesville Road) subject to a public hearing for a rezoning, submittal of a certified survey map, and approval of a building, site and operation plan. Plan Commission City of Muskego Approved 06-1 6-98 Denied Deferred 06-08-98