PCR1998087AMENDED APPROVAL OF A FOUR (4) LOT SKETCH LAND DIVISION FOR THE WERNETTE PROPERTY LOCATED IN THE LINCOLNSHIRE SUBDIVISION IN THE SW AND SE %’S OF SECTION 1 AND THE NW AND NE X’S OF SECTION 12 (TAX KEY NO. 2205.041) a RESOLUTION #P.C. 087-98 WHEREAS, A sketch was submitted on May 7, 1998, for a four (4) lot land division in Lincolnshire Subdivision located in the SW and SE X’s of Section 1 and the NW and NE %’s of Section 12, of the Wernette property, addressed as W128 S7110 Flintlock Trail, and WHEREAS, The proposed land division would create four (4) lots, with each a minimum of 20,000 square feet, and WHEREAS, Said property is zoned RS-2, Suburban Residence, requiring a minimum lot size of 20,000 square feet and an average minimum width of 110 feet, and said lots appear to meet said minimum zoning requirements, and WHEREAS, The Land Use 2005 Plan depicts this area for medium density development, and WHEREAS, Said parcels are within the City’s sewer service area and will not access city water, and WHEREAS, Access for all four (4) lots will be limited off Flintlock Trail THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the Plan Commission approve of a Certified Survey Map being submitted creating a four (4) lot land division in the Lincolnshire Subdivision located in the SW and SE %’s of Section 1 and W and NE X’s of Section 12 of the Wernette property subject to the delineation of any wetland and floodplain areas. Wetlands to be delineated by the Army Corps, DNR or SEWERF’C. Floodplain to be delineated by a surveyor, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That a note be placed on the face of the Certified Survey Map determining the stream navigability, delineation of wetlands, no access to Tess Corners. All debris must be removed from property prior to submittal of Certified Survey Map for approval. Plan Department City of Muskego Adopted 05- 19-98 Defeated Deferred 05-07-98