PCR1998072TWICE AMENDED RESOLUTION #P.C. 072-98 APPROVAL OF A SKETCH LAND DIVISION TO CREAT ONE (1) NEW LOT FOR THE KAEBISCH PROPERTIES LOCATED IN THE NE AND NW ’h’S OF SECTION 30 (TAX KEY NO. 2277.996.001) a WHEREAS, A sketch was submitted on March 26, 1998, for a one (1) lot land division in the NE and NW ‘h’s of Section 30, of the Ronald Kaebisch property , located at S98 W21184 Parker Road and S98 W21314 Parker Road and a one (1) lot land division in the NE % of Section 30 of the Laurel Kaebisch property to the east, and WHEREAS, The proposed land division would create two (2) new twenty acre parcels ~ from each property that would be combined to create one, 40 acre parcel, and I WHEREAS, There would be an existing residence in the remnant 20 acre parcel, an existing residence on the newly created 40 acre parcel, and the remaining 40 acre parcel to the east would remain vacant. and WHEREAS, Said properties are zoned EA, Exclusive Agricultural, requiring a minimum lot size of 35 acres and an average minimum width of 1,275 feet, and the two eastern lots would meet said standards, but one 20 acre tract to the west would not, and WHEREAS, Said lot would meet the minimum area for an A, Agricultural zoning district, which requires a minimum lot size of 120,000 square feet and a minimum average width of 300 e feet, and WHEREAS, The Land Use 2005 Plan depicts this area for Agricultural and Rural development and said lots would be in the spirit of the plan, and WHEREAS, Said parcels are outside of the City’s sewer service boundaries and not accessible to City water service. THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the Plan Commission approves the proposed land division as described above subject to the rezoning of the 20 acre parcel to A-Agricultural and will not require submittal of a Certified Survey Map. THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That if research shows lands need to be contiguous or rezoned to A-Agriculture, petitioner will need to come back to Plan Commission. Plan Department City of Muskego Adopted 05-05-98 Defeated 0 Deferred 04-27-98