PCR1998060i ‘ RESOLUTION #P.C. 060-98 APPROVAL OF A 28’ X 50’ ACCESSORY STRUCTURE FOR THE WHITEHOUSE PROPERTY LOCATED AT W219 S7368 CROWBARDRIVE WHEREAS, A site plan and construction information was submitted on April 21, 1998, by Kenneth Whitehouse to construct a 28’ X 50’ (1,400 square foot) accessory structure at the Whitehouse property located at W219 S7368 Crowbar Drive, and WHEREAS, The property is zoned RCE, Country Estate, and where said structure is a permitted accessory use and subject to Plan Commission review per Section 4.05 (2) C. 1, and WHEREAS, The total square footage for accessory structures is limited to 1.0% of the total lot area and contains 12.87 net acres which would allow 5,606 square feet of total square footage of accessory buildings, and WHEREAS, Four (4) outbuildings exist on the parcel totaling 2.768 square feet and two (2) outbuildings totaling 744 square feet are to be razed, and WHEREAS, The location of the structure maintains all necessary offsets and setbacks, the ultimate height is limited to 25 feet, the architectural appearance would be compatible with the applicant’s surrounding area, and the materials submitted do not propose the use of this nor any other structure on the property for business related activities. e THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the Plan Commission approves of a compatible size structure not exceeding 1,400 square feet for the Whitehouse property at W219 S7368 Crowbar Drive in accordance to Section 4.05 (1) B and 6.11 (2) and that subject accessory structure not be used for the operation of a business nor the storage of business related material or equipment. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That failure to comply with the terms of this resolution and the approved site plans shall result in the issuance of fines of $100 per day per violation, the initiation of legal action, or both. Plan Commission City of Muskego Approved 05-05-98 Denied Deferred 04-27-98