PCR1998032RESOLUTION #P.C. 032-98 APPROVAL TO RENEW PERMIT FOR DOG KENNEL FOR STAN A. ZDANCZEWICZ AT THE PROPERTY LOCATED AT W 182 S9292 PARKER DRIVE WHEREAS, The Plan Commission on May 16, 1972, granted a conditional use permit for the property located at W182 S9292 Parker Drive, to Stan A. Zdanczewicz, for the operation of a commercial dog kennel, and WHEREAS, Conditions of approval were: 1, The term of operation shall not exceed one (1) year without hrther review and 2. That the number of dogs shall not exceed ten (IO), and 3. That the kennel be in conformance with plans on tile in the Building Department, approval by the Plan Commission, WHEREAS, The Plan Commission granted through Resolution #PC 09-924 a permit for 1992, on the provision that a new site plan depicting the configuration of the kennel and number of dog runs be placed on file with Conditional Use Permit #62, and that the number of adult dogs on the property shall not exceed ten (IO) and that the number of pups under the age of six (6) months shall not exceed 15 at any one time and that the Plan Commission did not find that these amendments were significant to warrant a Public Hearing, and WHEREAS, The zoning of the property is A, Agricultural, wherein a kennel is permitted only as a conditional use, and WHEREAS, All conditions have been complied and no complaints have been registered THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the Plan Commission of the City of Muskego does hereby grant an extension of the Conditional Use Grant #62 for one year to allow a kennel and that the operation shall be reviewed again in March of 1999. Plan Department City of Muskego Adopted 03- 17-98 Defeated Deferred 03-09-98