PCR1998006AMENDED APPROVAL OF A CONDITIONAL USE FOR THE PURPOSE OF A SALES AND SERVICE ESTABLISHEMENT FOR AUTOMOBILES, MORE SPECIFICALLY THE PARKING OF RENTAL VEHICLES, FOR ERDMANN MOTORS AT THE PROPERTY LOCATED IN THE NE Yi OF SECTION 25 RESOLUTION #P.C. 06-98 0 WHEREAS, The Plan Commission approved of a conceptual building, site and operation plan for the parking of rental vehicles on a vacant property on the southeast corner of Loomis Road and North Cape Road (USH 45) across from Erdmann Motors, subject to the application of a conditional use, and WHEREAS, A public hearing for said conditional use was scheduled prior to the Plan Commission meeting, dated January 20, 1998, and WHEREAS, The property is zoned B-4, Highway Business, and said use is a permitted conditional use and whereas Erdmann Motors also has a conditional use for the sales and service of automobiles, and WHEREAS, Plans show the parking of rental moving vehicles at the comer along a 18’ X 20’ cemented pad area and no indication on the number of vehicles parked is shown. THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the Plan Commission approves of a conditional use for the purpose of sales and service of automobiles, more specifically the parking of rental vehicles, at the property located in the southeast comer of the intersection of Loomis Road and North Cape Road (USH 45) across from Erdmann Motors, for Erdmann Motors. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That said plans are approved as submitted and a copy of said plans be kept on file in an address file in the Building Department and all aspect of this plan shall be maintained in perpetuity unless otherwise authorized by the Plan Commission. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That failure to comply with the approval contained in this resolution shall result in the imposition of fines of $1 00 per day, the initiation of legal action, or both. THEREFORE BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That a maximum of ten (IO) rental units will be allowed to be parked on site with an annual review of the property’s status. Plan Department City of Muskego Adopted 0 1-20-98 Defeated Deferred 01-12-98