PCR1998004RESOLUTION #P.C. 04-98 APPROVAL OF A ONE (1) LOT SKETCH LAND DIVISION FOR THE BASSE PROPERTY LOCATED IN THE SE Vi OF SECTION 3 (TAX KEY NO. 2172.999) WHEREAS, A sketch was submitted on December 22, 1997, for a one (1) lot land division in the SE 'h of Section 3, for the Basse property, and WHEREAS, Said property is zoned partially RSE. Suburban Estate and B-3, General Business and appears to be in conformance to said zoning districts, and WHEREAS, The parcel currently has a commercial farm produce market, specialty shop, occasional outdoor sales and petting zoo on the grounds, and WHEREAS, Access is proposed off Janesville Road and will not have access to city water or sewer THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the Plan Commission approve of a Certified Survey Map being submitted creating a one (I) lot land division in the SE Yi of Section 3 of the Basse property subject to the delineation of any wetland and floodplain boundaries if applicable. Plan Department City of Muskego Adopted 0 1-06-98 Defeated Deferred 12-22-97