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PCR1997168e AMENDED RECOMMENDATION OF APPROVAL TO AMEND CHAPTER 17, SECTION 8.01 (7) INDIVtDUAL DISTRICT REGULATIONS, RCE, COUNTRY ESATE DISTRICT, PERMITTED ACCESSORY USES CREATING SECTION 8.01 (7) B. 14 RESOLUTION #P.C. 168-97 WHEREAS, Currently, Chapter 17, Section 8.01, (7) C.10 permits a two-family residence in which the second residence is occupied by a resident(s) related through blood, maniage or adoption (mother-in-law/family unit), through a conditional use process, and WHEREAS, Said section has no clear definition of what constitutes a mother-in- law/family unit and is not a guarenteed use by right, and WHEREAS, The Plan Commission proposes to amend Chapter 17, Section 8.01, (7) by rescinding C. 10, Permitted Uses by Conditional Grant, Two family Residences. an adding B: 14, Permitted Accessory Uses, Mother-in-1awlFamily Units in its place, to read as follows: 14. Mohcr-in-IawlFamily Units: Any portion of a single family residence, intended to be occupied by a resident@) related through blood, marriage or adoption to a host residence occupant. being no greater than 800 square feet in size, that has an independent wing or area thai is self-supporting in terms of livable needs (i.e. unit includes a kitchen, bath, den and bedroom), but is dependent on utility infrastructure of the primary residence. Access to this wing or area may be obtained via one door to the outside and a sand non-lockable door or passage way to the main portion of the host residence. Access is permitted to a garage area having no service door. All such requests are subject to building, site, and operational plan approval of the Plan Commission following written notice being distributed by the Plan Commission to neighboring property owners within 100 feet of the subject property. THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, The Plan Commission does hereby recommend to the Common Council of the City of Muskego to amend Chapter 17. Section 8.01 RCE, Country Estates District to create Section 8.01 (7) B:14, Permitted Accessory Uses, Mother-in-IawFamily Units as described above in the fifth “WHEREAS” and rescind Section 8.01 (7) C.10, Permitted Uses by Conditional Grant, Two family Residences. Plan Commission City of Muskego Approved 09-02-97 Denied Deferred 1) 08-25-97