PCR19830681. RESOLUTION #P. C. 68-83 REAFFIRMING DENIAL OF LEGAL LOT STATUS RON FORD WHEREAS the Common Council has been requested to waive the Land Covenant on the Ron Ford property, with the tax key j12174.978, and WHEREAS it is the opinion of the City Attorney that it is not required of the city to waive such Covenant, and WHEREAS the Common Council had previously recommended denial by Resolution 11165-82. dated September 14, 1982, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Plan Commission reaffirms its decision to recommend to Common Council that the lot with the key 112174.978 not be given legal lot status. City of Muskego Plan Commission Adopted JUL. 0 5 1983 Defeated Deferred JUN. 0 7 1983 JUN. 2 I 1983 ca 6/83