PCR1983036RESOLUTION #P. C. 36-83 RECOMMENDATION TO DENY LEGAL LOT STATUS RICHARD MEINECKE - MUSKEGO BEACH PARK ADDITION WHEREAS Richard 0. Meinecke, S74 W17634 Lake Drive, has petitioned for legal lot status of Lots 2 and 3, Block "C", in the Muskego Beach Park Addition Subdivision, and WHEREAS this property is zoned RS-3 (OLS) which requires minimum lot sizes of 10,000 sq. ft. with an average width of 66-213 ft., and these lots have an average width of 50 ft. with 7,500 sq. ft. in area, or 75% of the requirements, and WHEREAS there are seven existing hones in this subdivision which are built on "double" lots, and WHEREAS there are a number of vacant lots in this subdi- vision which could comply with the zoning requirements, and WHEREAS this property is adjacent to a city-owned access to Little Muskego Lake. THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Plan Comnission of the City of Muskego does hereby recommend to the Common Council that legal lot status of Lots 2 and 3, Block "C" in the Muskego Beach Park Addition subdivision be denied, because the size is only 75% of the zoning requirements and the lots would not be compatible with the surrounding neighborhood City of Muskego MAR. 1 5 1983 Plan Commission Adopted Defeated Deferred