PCR1983027RESOLUTION ~IP. c. 27-83 RECOMXENDATION TO TERMINATE CONDITIONAL USE GRANT 1/54 FORMER "THE COTTAGE" TAVERN WHEREAS, Conditional Use Grant 1\54 for The Cottage Tavern at W143 S7922 Durham Drive was an automatic grant in 1963 for the operation of a tavern, and WHEREAS, the building has been razed, and WHEREAS, in order to officially terminate the Conditional Use Grant, action is required by the Common Council, and WHEREAS, the necessary public hearing has been held. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Plan Commission of the City of Muskego does hereby recommend to the Common Council that the Conditional Use Grant #54 for the tormer tavern at W143 S7922 Durham Drive be terminated. Adopted MR. 1 19B3 Ijefeated Deferred City of Muskego Plan Commission