PCR1983019RESOLUTION $/P. C. 19-83 REPORT REGARDING INDUSTRIAL PARK EXPANSION TID $17 WHEREAS the City is contemplating an expansion of the Industrial Park, and WHEREAS the proposed location is adjacent to the southern border of the existing Industrial Park, and WHEREAS the Industrial Development Study Comittee has undertaken an in-depth study of the proposed expansion, and has obtained an Expansion Study conducted by Mooney & Associates, Ltd., and WHEREAS the proposed expansion of the Industrial Park was included in the Amended Project Plan for TID $17. THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Plan Commission of the City of Nuskego does hereby report to tihe Common Council that the proposed location of the Industrial Park Expansion as shown in the Expansion Study Report prepared by Mooney & Associates, Ltd. is recommended. City of Muskego Plan Commission Adopted FEB. 1 5 1983 Defeated Deferred jm 2/83