PCR19731430 RESOLUTION #P. C- 143-73 RECOMMENDATION OF APPROVAL FOR LEGAL STATUS ( LI LLI E RAPP ) WHEREAS a request submitted by Mrs. Lillie Rapp, New Mexico, for determination of legal status for Lot 1, Block 8, Muskego Shores Subdivision was referred to Planning Consultant Mangiamele in Resolution #P. C. 129-73 adopted by the Plan Commission October 16, 1973, and WHEREAS this is an RS-3 OED District requiring 75' average width with 11,250 sq. ft. in area and the lot in question is 120' average width with approximately 7,800 sq. ft. in area, and WHEREAS Planning Consultant Mangiamele has reviewed the area and determined that most of the homes in the area are constructed on single lots, that the setback on this corner lot will be approximately 25' so that a vision problem will not be created and that this lot will be buildable because the zoning ordinance permits a 30' buildable width on existing substandard lots. 0 THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Plan Commission of the City of Muskego does hereby recommend to the Common Council approval of legal status for Lot 1, Block 8, Muskego Shores Subdivision. City of Muskego Plan Commission Deferred Defeated November 20, 1973 0 Adopted