PCR1973138RESOLmION #P. C. 138-73 REPERRAL OF ELEVATIONS & IANDSCAPING FOR EREEDOM SQUARE, PHASE IV, PARKLAND PLAZA TO PLANNING CONSULTANT WHEREAS Paschke & Associates have prepared sketches of the elevations for the condominiums and the clubhouse to be constructed in Freedom Square, phase IV of the Parkland Plaza planned develop- ment which encompasses the south side of Highway 24, and WHEREAS landscaping plans have also been prepared and sub- mitted for approval, and WHEREAS the site plan for phase IV of the Parkland Plaza planned development was approved by the Plan Commission in their Resolution #P. C. 84-73 adopted September 4, 1973, and WHEREAS Planning Consultant Mangiamele has not as yet had an opportunity to review the plans in depth. THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Plan Commission of the City of Muskego does hereby refer the elevations for the condominiums and the clubhouse as well as the landscaping plans to Planning Consultant Mangiamele for review and recommendation. City of Muskego Plan Commission Deferred Adopted November 20. 1973 Defeated b js 11-15-73