PCR1973109RESOLUTION #P. C. 109-73 DENIAL OF SECOND GARAGE STRUCTURE (DARL HONL) 0 WHEREAS Mr. Darl F. Honl, S76 W18601 Kingston Drive, has requested a permit to construct a 24' x 40'. second garage structure to be used for storage purposes on his property, and I ! WHEREAS at the previous meeting in their Resolution #P. C. I 97-73, the Plan Commission referred this request to Planning Consultant Mangiamele for an evaluation of the area to determine what affect said building would have on the surrounding neighborhood, and WHEREAS Planning Consultant Mangiamele has recommended denial of this request because the area involved is crowded and the addition of this structure could have an adverse affect on the surrounding neighborhood. 0 THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Plan Commission of the City of Muskego does hereby concur with recommendation from its planning consultant and denies the request of Darl Honl for permission to construct a 24' x 40', second garage structure. City of Muskego Plan Commission Deferred Adopted September 18,1973 Defeated b js 9-18-73