PCR1973102RESOLVTION #P. C. 102-73
WHEREAS the Plan Commission has received a request from Attorney
Jack Radtke as representative of Larry Schwartz for permission to
construct a second residential structure on an approximately 43 acre
parcel in the SW 1/4 of Section 7 at the corner of Crowbar and Field
Drives, and
WHEREAS the second residence will be used as quarters for an
individual intending to work on the farm fulltime, and
WHEREAS this is an RCE District and Section 8.01 (7) B. of the
Muskego Zoning Ordinance provides as follows:
"4. Subject to the approval of the Plan Commission separate quarters
away from the main building for household or farm employees, provided 0 that such quarters shall be occupied only by individuals employed full
time on the premises and their families. Said quarters shall be a
minimum of 1200 square feet." and
WHEREAS there is some question as to whether or not both structures
permitted under the district regulations requires that the principal
occupation be farming.
THmPORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Plan Commission of the City of
Muskego, in considering the request of Mr. Schwartz for a second
residence requires a clarification from the city attorney.
EE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this matter be referred to the city
attorney for a legal opinion regarding this matter.
City of Muskego
Plan Commission
0 Deferred
Adopted 7-4- 73