PCR1973091RESOLW?ION #Pa Ce 91-73
WHEREAS a certified survey map prepared by Hoffmann, Polzin,
Becker & Associates, Inc., August 15th. 1973, has been submitted
to finalize a one parcel division of the Chester Spitzner property
on Woods Road in Section 17, and
WHEREAS the Plan Commission approved the sketch for this division
in their Resolution #P. C. 81-73, and
WHEREAS the lot conforms to the requirements of the Agriculture
District of 120,000 sq. ft. with 300' average width.
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Plan Commission of the City
of Muskego does hereby approve the certified survey map for a one
parcel division of the Chester Spitzner property on Wocds Road in
Section 17 subject to the approval of the city engineer.
City of Muskego
Plan Commission
Deferred k-21-73
Adopted September 4, 1973
i Defeated
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