WHEREAS Mr. Jack Radtke has submitted a petition to rezone
approximately 79 acres of property owned by Schober 8z Radtke on
McShane Drive in Section 12 from RS-2 to RSA with an Overlay for
Planned Development to permit the developers to create a planned
unit development in accord with the plan on file with the City of
Muskego, and
WHEREAS the general plan which is on file appears to be in
keeping with the intent of the planned unit development, and
WHEREAS the general plan which is on file indicates a density
of 144 units which will be compatible with other developments in
the surrounding area and would be in keeping with the 65% formula
of development which was established by the Common Council, and
WHEREAS on July 9th, 1973, the Public Sewer Committee recommended
that the Schober & Radtke property be permitted to connect into the
city's sewer system providing they install a holding tank whereby
the sewerage can be pumped into the city's sewer system during off-
peak hours.
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Plan Commission of the City 0 of Muskego does hereby recommend to the Common Council approval of
RS-2 to RSA with an Overlay for Planned Development.
the rezoning of the Schober & Radtke property on McShane Road from
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this recommendation of approval is
subject to the condition that a more detailed plan indicating lot
or before 11:OO A. M. Wednesday, August 15th.
sizes and an improved traffic pattern be submitted to city hall on
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this more detailed plan must meet
the approval of the Plan Commission after review and recommendation
from Planning Consultant Mangiamele.
City of Muskego
Plan Commission
Adopted ,p- 7- 73
b is
0 813/73