PCR1973084RESOLWION #P. C. 84-73 (AS AMENDED) APPROVAL OF SITE PLAN FOR PHASE IV PARKLAND PLAZA PLANNED DEVELOPMENT WHEREAS representatives of Parkland Plaza Planned development have submitted a proposal for the balance of the development encom- passing the south side of S. T. H. 24 (Freedom Square, Phase IV), and WHEREAS the general proposal for the planned development was approved by the Plan Commission and the Common Council in 1970, and WHEREAS Planning Consultant Mangiamele has reviewed the site plan and recommends approval. THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Plan Commission of the City of Muskego does hereby approve the site plan for the fourth phase of Parkland Plaza planned development as submitted. City of Muskego Plan Commission Deferred Adopted September 4, 1973 Defeated b js 9-5-73