PCR1973074RESOLUTION #P. C. 74-73
I WHEREAS Mr. Harold DeBack has recently pruchased the remaining
I undeveloped property from Hans Keiser in Section 33, and
I WHEREAS on September 5th, 1972, a certified survey map prepared
by Thomas Inman was approved by the Plan Commission without the
realization that the four lots created did not conform to the R-1 District
I zoning requirements, and
WHEREAS after consideration of a petition from Mr. Keiser requesting
legal status for the non-conforming lots, it was the Commission's
recommendation and concurred by the Common Council that legal status
be granted to the four lots provided that the length of property be
extended to the east to give sufficient square footage to meet the 0 requirements of the R-1 District, and
WHEREAS Mr. DeBack has now submitted a sketch indicating an exten-
sion of property to the east which increases the square footage of
three lots to the required 80,000 sq. ft., and
WHEREAS Lot 2 was sold prior to the purchase of the property by
Mr. DeBack and a house has been constructed thereon and it is not
feasible to revise the boundaries of the lot, and
WHEREAS at this time Mr. DeBack has also submitted a sketch for the
division of three additional lots which will more than meet the require-
ments of the R-1 District, and
WHEREAS the city has received a bond in the amount of $10,000 to
insure proper installation of Keiser Lane.
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Plan Commission of the City of
Muskego does hereby approve the revised lot lines for three lots along
Kelsey Drive for increased square footage.
Page 2 - Resolution #P. C. 74-73
BE IT FLlRTHER RESOLVED that the Plan Commission of the City of
Muskego does hereby approve the sketch for three additional lots to be
created on the former Hans Keiser property and that the Commission
will be receptive to the submission of a certified survey map.
City of Muskego
Plan Commission
Adopted 9, 1973
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