PCR1973073RESOLUTION #P. C. 73-73 (AS MENDED) APTROVAL OF CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP (ALVIN SCHAEFER) WHEREAS a certified survey map prepared by Hoffmann, Polzin, Becker 9r Associates June 23, 1973, has been submitted to finalize a one parcel division of the Alvin Schaefer property on Lions Park Drive in Section 8 and 9, and WHEREAS the Plan Commission approved the sketch for this division at their meeting May 1, 1973, subject to the approval of rezoning the property from B-2 to RS-2, and WHEREAS the Common Council has author property in their Ordinance #257 which was June 26th. ized the rezoning of this adopted by that body Tuesday, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Plan Commission of the City of Muskego does hereby approve the certified survey map for a one parcel division of the Alvin Schaefer property on Lions Park Drive in Section 8 and 9 subject to the city engineer's approval. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this division of land is approved sub- ject to the understanding that a storm sewer acceptable to the city shall be placed along the south ,lot line of said lot. City of Muskego Plan Commission Deferred Adopted July 3, 1973 Defeated b js 7/73