PCR19730440 RESOLUl'ION #P. C. 44-73 REFERRAL OF RESORT PUNS TO PLANNING CONSULTANT AND CITY ATTORNEY (TINTI - DAEDA) WHEREAS Elmer Tinti and Richard Daeda had submitted a petition to rezone property known as Leo's Lakeview Resort on Lannon Drive from RS-2 with an Overlay for Lake Recreation to RSM (Multiple Family Residence) to permit construction of a 16 family apartment building, and WHEREAS on April 3rd. 1973, the Plan Commission adopted Resolution #P. C. 38-73, entitled Referral of Proposed Rezoning of the Brozynski property to Planning Consultant Mangiamele, and WHEREAS on April 17th. 1973, Mr. Tinti and Mr. Daeda requested that their petition be withdrawn, and 0 WHEREAS Mr. Tinti and Mr. Daeda have now submitted for approval by the Plan Commission building, site and operational plans for a 2 story, 81 unit resort under the existing zoning - RS-2 with an Overlay for Lake Recreation, and WHEREAS there is a question as to permitted density as well as the intent of the Lake Recreation District. THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Plan Commission of the City of Muskego does hereby refer this proposal to the city attorney to determine what constitutes a resort and lake oriented recreation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this proposal be referred to Planning Consultant Joseph Hangiamele for review and recommendation. City of Muskego Plan Commission Deferred Adopted J-/- 73 Defeated b is 4-26-73