PCR1973036RESOLUTION #Pa C. 36-73 (AS AMENDED) (INFORMATION OFFICE - PIONEER CENTRE) APPROVAL OF TEMPORARY SIGN WHEREAS KbK Industries, Inc., has submitted a request for a temporary, 5' x 5', double-faced, identification sign to advertise the information office (Unitized Homes, Inc.) at S75 W17461 Janesville Road for Pioneer Centre, and WHEREAS the proposed sign will be located in the parking area of Unitized Homes, Inc., on Janesville Road in accordance with the plan submitted, and WHEREASat the last meeting the Plan Commission denied their request for an 8' x 8'. double-faced, identification sign and expressed 0 concern at the content of said sign, and WHEREAS the sign has been reduced in size and the content of said sign altered. THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Plan Commission of the City of Muskego does hereby approve this request for a temporary, 5' x 5', double-faced, identification sign to advertise the information office for Pioneer Centre. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this permit for sign is granted for a period of one year. City of Muskego Plan Commission Deferred Approved April 3. 1973 Defeated bjs 3/73