PCR1973031RESOLVTION #P. C. 31-73 (AS AMENDED) APPROVAL OF BUILDING, SITE AND OPERATIONAL PLANS FOR BICYCLE SHOP WHEREAS Louis and Mary Kafura, W173 S7640 Westwood Drive, have requested an occupancy permit to use the garage existing behind James Milbauer residence, W179 S7714 Pioneer Drive, for a bicycl sales and service business, and WHEREAS this is a permitted use-by-right in this B-3 Distri the e ct subject to approval of building, site and operational plans by the Plan Commission, and WHEREAS the Kafuras are also at this time requesting approval of a 10' x 5' sign to advertise "Lou's Cyclery", and WHEREAS this use will be compatible with those uses presently existing in this area. THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Plan Commission of the City of Muskego does hereby approve the building, site and operational plans for a bicycle sales and service business in the garage located at W179 S7714 Pioneer Drive. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Plan Commission of the City of Muskego does hereby approve a 10' x 5l, non-illuminated sign to advertise ''LouVs Cyclery" to be located in accordance with the plot plan submitted. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this sign approval is granted for a period of one year after which it is to be reviewed by the Plan Commission. City of Muskego Plan Commission Adopted &:)..& L8, /yTJ b js 3-73