PCR1973030RESOLWION #Pa C. 30-73
WHEREAS Donald Miller, Sentry Realty, has submitted for the
Commission's approval a sketchd a proposed three parcel division
of his property on Bellview Drive and Vine Street in the NW 1/4
of Section 10, and
WHEREAS this is an RS-2 OHS District which requires 20,000
sq. ft. lots with 110' average width and the lots proposed are more
than adequate to meet these requirements, and
WHEREAS these lots will be compatible with the area in which
they are located.
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Plan Commission of the City
of Muskego does hereby approve the sketch submitted for this
proposed three parcel division and will be receptive to the submission
of a certified survey map.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this approval is granted subject to
the receipt of sufficient assurance that the screening which was re-
quired in the approval given for Conditional Use Grant #57 May 4,
1971, will be provided and subject to the removal of the OHS overlay
City of Muskego
Plan Commission
Adopted Match 20. 1973
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