PCR1973013RESOLUTION #P. C. 13-73
WHEREAS Mr. Melvin Duve recently purchased a 5.92 acre parcel of
property from Hans Keiser in Section 33, and
WHEREAS Mr. Duve desires to construct a home on said parcel but
has been refused a building permit by the building inspector because
the division of land has not been approved by the Plan commission and
does not have access to Kelsey Drive, and
WHEREAS this is an R-1 District requiring 80,000 sq. ft. lots
with 200' average width and the property in question more than meets
these requirements, and
WHEREAS the Plan Commission would be willing to approve the
division except for the fact that there is no public road to the property
and it is the opinion of the Plan Commission that because of the number
of divisions which have taken place that either a bond should be
provided to guarantee the construction of the road or the road be
constructed immediately.
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Plan Commission of tte City of
Muskego does hereby deny the request for division of land.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Plan Commission will be receptive
to such a division if either Keiser Lane is constructed to serve the
properties or a sufficient bond is posted to guarantee construction
of the road at no cost to the city within two years.
Plan Commission a Adopted February 20, 1973
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