WHEREAS, the construction of sewer projects in the Northeast and
Northwest Districts of the City has stimulated considerable interest
in the possible development of these areas, and
WHEREAS, the present limitations of the treatment facilities to sewer
these areas poses the problem of what degree of development can be
expected and how this development should be regulated, and
WHEREAS, at a Council Meeting of the Whole, attended by members of
the Plan Commission, it was suggested that before any further major
development of the area be considered, the City’s Planning Consultant
be directed to proceed immediately with an in depth study on the
affects the availability of sewers will have on the growth of the
City within the next several years,
THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Plan Commission of the City of
Muskego does hereby direct its Planning Consultant to prepare a
report which would include, but is not limited to the following:
(1) Anticipated growth of the cmunity, both residential and
commercial in the next seven to ten years with particular
attention given to sewered areas.
(2) How this growth relates to the capacity of the sewage treatment
(3) How this growth could affect school facilities.
(4) The affect of multiple family development vs. residential
development on sewer and school facilities.
(5) How changes in existing zoning might affect the growth.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that said report shall be completed in not
more than 60 days.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that it is the intent of the Plan Commission
to withhold action (with approval of the Council) on all proposed
developments which would require either a rezoning or an increase
in density over that which is presently permitted under existing
zoning until the report from the Planning Consultant has been re-
ceived and reviewed by the Commission.