ccr1966206RESOLUTION #206 DIRECTING THE COUNCIL REPRESENTATIVE TO THE WAUKESHA COUNTY GROUP WELFARE PROGRAM AS TO THE COUNCIL'S WISHES REGARDING THE FUTURE OF THAT DEPAR'IMENT WHEREAS the Director of the Waukesha County Group Department has advised that a meeting will be held on October 27, 1966, at 8:OO P.M. to decide the future of the Waukesha County Group Department of Public Welfare, of which the City of Muskego is a member, and WHEREAS a need for this decision has arisen due to the advent of the Federal and State Medicare Program, and mHEREA.5 there are three distinct alternatives which are 1. To continue to operate the agency as it has been with fewer employees 2. To disband the group and let each municipality operate their own relief program 3. To petition the County to adopt and operate a county system of relief and WHEREAS the representative for the City of Muskego must be directed as to which course of action the City wishes to take, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Common Council of the City of Muskego does hereby recommend that the Waukesha County Group Department of Public Welfare take the following action: 1. To continue to operate the agency as it has been with fewer employees Mayor Jerome J. Gottfried