ccr1966202RESOLUTION #202 ACCEPTANCE OF LOW BID FOR CODIFICATION SERVICE WHEREAS it is necessary that the City codify all of its ordinances, and WHEREAS the Rules, Laws & Ordinance Committee has contacted several lawyers and organizations to assure the City of receiving the best service for their money, and WHEREAS the following bids were presented to the Rules, Laws & Ordinance Committee: e Wisconsin-complete codification of all ordinances with the ex- Ordinance Codification Service, 2700 E. Menlo Blvd., Milwaukee, ception of the Zoning Ordinance $ 3800.00 The Zoning Ordinance as part of the Code, 600.00 Updating service annually for 5 years @ $350.00 per year Total cost with three years updating service $ 5’450 -00 Municipal Ordinance Service, Inc., 5623 Crestwood pl., Madison, Wisconsin-complete codification of all City Ordin- ances, including the Zoning Ordinance $ 4200.00 Updating service annually for a period of three years at no additional cost to the City. Total cost including three years of updating service $ 4200.00 and, WHEREAS the Rules, Laws & Ordinance Committee has recommended that the City accept the low bid of Municipal Ordinance Service, Inc., THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Common Council of the City of Muskego, upon recommendation of the Rules, Laws & Ordinance Committee, does hereby accept the bid of Municipal Ordinance Service, Inc. to codify all city ordinances at a cost not to exceed $4200.00, including three years of updating service. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Mayor and the City Clerk are authorized to execute the necessary agreement with Municipal Ordinance Service, Inc. RULES, LAWS &-.ORDINANCE COMMITTEE ATTEST: