ccr1966197RESOLUTION #197 AUTHORIZING THE WISCONSIN NATJFlAL GAS COMPANY TO INSTALL GAS MAINS ALONG THE RIGHT OF WAYS OF STREETS IN THE CITY OF MUSKEG0 e WHEREAS the Wisconsin Natural Gas Company has requested permission to install the following: 421' of 2" main and one 3/4" H.P. lateral to serve Orville Fischer at W189 S7602 Circle Drive, and, WHEREAS the Public Works Committee has recommended that this request be granted the Wisconsin Natural Gas Company subject to their obtaining a permit from the Building Inspector and the submittal of a satisfactory bond in the amount of $5,000.00. kEFlEFORE.,BE..IT RESOLVED that th$ Common Council of the Citj of Muskego does hereby grant permission to the Wisconsin Natural Gas Company to install a gas main as shown on their submittal of permit from tha Building Inspector and the submittal of a sat- September 12, 1966, and subject to their obtaining the necessary isfactory bond in the amount of $5,OOO.OO. .- - PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE Edmund A. Budish, Chairman Attest: City Clerk