ccr1966174i- RESOLUTION #174 REQUEST FOR PERClISSION OF WISCONSIN NATRUAL GAS COMPANY TO INSTALL GAS MAINS Whereas, Wisconsin Natural Gas Company has requested permission to install 684' of 2" High Press Main and one 3/4 high Pressure lateral along Lannon Drive, south of Highway 24 and to install approximately 12,633" of 6", 2,675' of 8" steel gas main along Highway 24 to serve the Village of Big Bend, and Whereas, the Public Works Committee has recommended approval of this request, Therefore, be it resolved that the Common Council of the City of Muskego does hereby grant permission to Wisconsin Natural Gas Company to install high pressure gas mains as shown on their submittal of July 22, 1966, Job #2977 and July 26, 1966, Job 1249-B. e Public Works Committee 6/26/66 bjb