ccr1966163RESOLUTION #I63 GRAN!!XNG PERMISSION TO THE PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE TO HIRE A PART TIME EMPLOYEE FOR THE SUMMER OF 1966 WHEREAS, the Public Works Committee has determined that there is need for an additional employee on the Highway Department during the sumer of 1966, and WHEREAS, they have interviewed Mr. Arthur Malsch and have determined that he would be the best choice for this kind of work, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED '%Hat the Common Council of the City of Muskego does hereby authorize the Public Works Committee to hire part time employee, Mr. Arthur Malsch, for the summer of 1966. BE IT FURl!FIER RESOLVED that he shall be mid the salary as set forth in Ordinance #43 which amends the salary Ordinance #27. PUB IC WORKS COMMITTEE A Attest: City Clerk